“Big Brother All-Stars” Recap: Dani Makes More Enemies

Big Brother All-Stars continued on a special Tuesday night as Dani made more enemies while an unexpected veto winner caused everyone to become paranoid.

In case you missed it, here’s a recap of what went down in Tuesday’s episode.

David has a secret

The episode picks up following Dani’s nominations of David and Kevin. Tyler is happy to not be on the block but is still suspect about a backdoor plan. Meanwhile, David isn’t as nervous because he tells us in the Diary Room that he’s planning to use his Disruptor Power, as we all expected he would.

Big Brother alerts the houseguests that the Disruptor Power has been played, which freaks Dani out. David pulls out the fake tears and acts like he did not use the power but no one is buying that one. Dani has to pick a new nominee and decides on Tyler, something he felt would happen.

Things get small

It’s time for the Power of Veto competition with Da’Vonne, Enzo, and Ian playing alongside Tyler, Kevin, and Dani. Nicole is hosting and seriously, did the one with the most annoying voice really need to host this comp? Anyway, the players were “shrunk” as they had to be the first person to stack some really tiny cans of beer with tweezers.

It was actually pretty funny to watch them struggle at this. Kevin got close and nearly pulled out the win, but it would ultimately be Da’Vonne who kept her cool and took home her first ever competition win in three seasons.

Dani’s dilemma

Dani is very lucky that she has a secret power that will allow her to play in back-to-back HOH competitions because she’ll need it after the enemies she’s making this week. The Committee alliance was not happy with her putting up Tyler and they’re not happy that she was considering Christmas as a replacement nominee.

With Da’Vonne holding the POV, Dani does not want her to use it. She tries to manipulate Day into not using the veto but Day isn’t dumb. She sees right through Dani’s plan and basically tells her she’s going to use it to save Kevin.

Remember how I said Dani is making enemies this week? By the end of it, she’ll have nominated four people. At the veto meeting, Dani takes Kevin off the block and after some internal battling, Dani decides to nominate Ian.

This upsets Nicole as she cries in the Diary Room, knowing Ian is likely going home this week. But let’s be real for a minute. She’s crying because her shield in the game is going home and she’s next on the list; that’s why she’s crying.

What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother All-Stars continues on Thursday night at 8/7c on CBS.

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