‘Big Brother All-Stars’ Recap: Another Old Schooler Goes Home

Big Brother All-Stars continued on Thursday night as another old school player was sent home, a new Head of Household was crowned, and a new twist was revealed.
In case you missed it, here’s a recap of what went down in the episode.
Dani’s slip up makes her a target
As we saw in Wednesday’s episode, Dani put herself in Tyler’s crosshairs by accidentally revealing to Tyler that Da’Vonne and Bayleigh wanted a Slick Six meeting. The only issue? She said this to Tyler with Nicole in the room even though Nicole is not a part of his alliance.
After a segment of Dani planting seeds and stirring the pot, we see Cody, Tyler, and Enzo in the Diary Room discussing how Dani is playing a messy game and its likely that she’ll be cut sooner rather than later.
Kaysar’s parting gift
Everyone knew Kaysar was going home tonight, including him. So he left the house with a bang, exposing everyone’s alliances and whom they were working with. He revealed to the entire house that Cody, Tyler, and Enzo have a guys alliance, that Dani and Nicole were working together, and that Cody and Nicole have a final two.
The looks on their faces was a perfect picture and clearly everyone annoyed. I had high hopes this reveal would finally shake up the house, but I clearly forgot about the Head of Household competition.
Things aren’t changing
For the HoH competition, the houseguests competed in a Q&A knockout. It would come down to Christmas and Da’Vonne, but Christmas would win by default since Da’Vonne answered wrong. Yes, Christmas won without ever even attempting to push the button.
Ugh, I can already predict that Christmas will put up Bayleigh and Da’Vonne this week. It’s becoming such a boring and predictable season.
What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!
Big Brother All-Stars continues Sunday at 8/7c on CBS.