‘Big Brother All-Stars’ Recap: Memphis Takes The Easy Road With Nominations
Big Brother: All Stars continued on Sunday night with Memphis seeking revenge in his Head of Household reign and two more houseguests earning safety.
In case you missed it, here’s a recap of what went down in Sunday’s episode.
Memphis is out for revenge
The episode kicks off with Memphis wanting revenge for his friend and Season 10 winner Dan Gheesling. He tells us in the Diary Room that Dan beat him in Season 10 and Dan lost to Ian in Season 14, so he wants to have Dan’s back and take out the player that beat him. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Memphis doesn’t want to lose to someone who beat Dan, who is considered one of the best to ever play the game.
Meanwhile, David is already nervous because he has no relationship with Memphis. Janelle, on the other hand, isn’t worried because she and Memphis have a good relationship. Plus, they’re both from the “old school” era of BB, so no way he’d ever put her up – right?
Memphis is not telling anyone who he is putting on the block, not even the members of his own alliance. Instead, he’s telling everyone to play their Safety Suite VIP card to control their own fate when in reality, he wants to increase his odds of winning it next week.
The Suite is open!
The Safety Suite reopens for business and this time Cody, Christmas, David, Bayleigh, and Da’Vonne all swipe their cards to play. This week, the houseguests must “serve drinks at the BB Bar”, which means they have to deliver some drinks to some wobbly tables and balance them so they don’t fall off. The first person to complete the task in the fastest time wins.
Everyone struggles and judging from this competition, no one could make it in the service industry. At the end of the challenge, Christmas finishes in 1:38, meaning she won safety and chooses Ian as her plus one.
Memphis is FURIOUS; you can see the look on his face. So now he must go back to the drawing board and decide who to nominate for eviction. Does he play it safe or will he take a swing at a bigger target?
Playing it safe
At the nomination ceremony, Memphis puts up David and Nicole A. He says Nicole did not play for safety and wants to show her she’s not as safe as she thinks. For David, Memphis said he is at the “grown up table” and needs to earn his spot in the house. Yeesh. Not the best wording from Memphis there.
What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!
Big Brother All Stars continues on Wednesday night at 8/7c on CBS.