3 Things You Need To Know About ‘Elite’ Season 3

The countdown is officially on. Only 11 more days till Elite season 3 comes out.
Netflix just dropped the official trailer today and some of the things we saw include: an epic pool party, Samuel telling Carla that he loves her but then also making out with Rebeca, Lu and/or Valerio getting kicked out of the house presumably as a result of their relationship, Nadia’s new mystery man (?) pulling out a ring box, lots of tears and middle fingers, and somebody falling from the ceiling!
However, that’s just scratching the surface on what I’m sure will be yet another excellent season of one of my personal favorite shows. I’ve gotten to see the first two episodes, which were made available to press for early review, and I want to make sure you are adequately prepared for what’s to come based on what I’ve seen. So with that being said, here are 3 things you need to know about Elite season 3:

There’s Another Mystery To Be Solved
In case anyone was worried that we wouldn’t get to see more of our favorite inspector this season, fear not. There is indeed another mystery to be solved. I can’t say much but just know that I think it’s the juiciest – and arguably the most satisfying – mystery the show will have solved to date.

The Kids Are About to Graduate High School
Yes, you read that right – our favorite high school students are getting ready to graduate. The first two episodes see them heavily thinking about the future and preparing for life after Las Encinas. College representatives have started making visits for admissions interviews while two of our favorites are competing for a full ride scholarship to a university in the US.
This nicely complements the theory going around the internet that if Elite gets renewed for a fourth season, it would feature an entirely new cast of kids. But for now, that is still purely speculation.

It’s A Lot More Serious In Tone
Elite has always been a dark show that at its core was about on sex, lies and drugs. And while there is still plenty of that in season 3 from what I’ve seen, the show is a lot more serious in tone. From dealing with the aftermath of Polo being released on bond to everyone worrying about what happens to them when they leave Las Encinas in five months, the “fun and games” element that seemed to accompany the sex, lies and drugs in the first two seasons is gone.
Elite Season 3 premieres March 13 on Netflix. Season 1 and 2 are currently available to stream.