Exclusive Interview with Geno Segers from ‘Perfect Harmony’

Named a “Breakout Star” by The Hollywood Reporter, Geno Segers has been making a name for himself in the entertainment industry through the dynamic characters he has brought to life on screen and stage. Currently, Geno can be seen starring opposite Bradley Whitford and Anna Camp in NBC’s newest comedy Perfect Harmony

I got the chance to talk to Geno about who or what he would credit with helping him decide that acting is something he wanted to pursue professionally, his audition process for Perfect Harmony, whether or not the “Dwyane being in love with Ginny” storyline will come back and so much more! Keep reading to see what he had to say!

Photo Credit: The Riker Brothers

Tell me a little bit about how you got into acting originally.

I crashed a Lion King audition, booked the job and never look back.

Was there a specific person or experience that you would credit with helping you decide that acting is what you wanted to do for a living?

The truth is I decided to do it because so many people told me that I couldn’t. That said, I’ve never been a contrarian but I refuse to let people tell me what I can and can’t do.

Over the years, you’ve had a lot of different roles on a lot of different mediums. Do you have a personal acting “bucket list” of things you still want to accomplish in your career? If so, what are some of the things on it?

I really just want to do good work. I love working with people who love what they do. If I could work every day for the rest of my life with people like that, I’ll be happy with my career. 

Let’s talk about Perfect Harmony. First, what did you first think about the project when you read the script and was your audition process like?

I was extremely excited when I read the breakdown and saw that singing would be such a big part of the show. So the script really had me after the first scene. The audition process for me is always the same. I call them little shows. I learned from an actor friend who told me that auditions are opportunities for me to do a show. And like any show I’m working on, the ultimate goal is to make the experience for the audience as real as possible. Once it’s done, forget it. 

On the show, you play Dwayne. I know a lot of actors bring a bit of themselves to the characters they play, but in what ways do you think you’re similar to Dwayne and in what ways do you think you’re different from Dwayne?

Dwayne and I are very similar in that we are both mediators. We both want the people around us to be happy with each other. I feel like we are both very loyal, and very passionate about music. The biggest difference between us is that he’s far more unsure of himself than I am.

One of the things I love most about this show so far is the cast. Everyone plays off each other really well and really seems to get along. What’s it like working with everyone?

It’s like taking a trip home every time I come to work. All the actors in the show are from the south, with the exception of Reverend Jax who was raised by missionaries. I would also add that he, too, was perfectly cast because he’s an international transplanted in Kentucky. 

In the pilot, we learn that Dwayne is in love with Ginny and he comes clean to her about how he feels with some encouragement from Arthur. Can fans expect that storyline to come back up again in future episodes?

Yes, and that’s all I’m going to say about that. #NoSpoilers 

Which upcoming episode are you most excited for fans to see and why?

“Rivalry Week” because Dwayne faces a lifelong opposition that I believe will help him take the next step in becoming more confident. 

PERFECT HARMONY — “Hunting Season” Episode 104 — Pictured: Geno Segers as Dwayne — (Photo by: Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

Let’s end with a few fun questions. Perfect Harmony centers around music. Who are some of your favorite music artists of all time? Who are you listening to right now?

Wow that’s a hard one! I would have to say Roberta Flack, Donny Hathaway, Barry White, Isaac Hayes, Jelly Roll Morton and Al Hibbler. Nowadays, I listen to Jill Scott and a group called King. 

Last question — we’re called Talk Nerdy With Us because we all have an inner nerd so what is something that you’re currently nerding out about?

I tend to nerd out about international monetary policy. And the fact that the spot price of silver is starting to climb again is just something I can’t help but nerd out about it.

Make sure you check out Geno’s website and follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Perfect Harmony airs Thursdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.

Featured Photo Credit: The Riker Brothers

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