‘Big Brother 21’ recap: Tommy Bracco evicted on emotional eviction night

All eyes were on Cliff and Nicole during Thursday night’s episode of Big Brother as their votes alone would decide who would be sent to the jury house in one eventful eviction.

Host Julie Chen Moonves opened the episode by telling viewers that it has been an eventful day in the house, which saw a massive blowout argument between Jackson and Tommy. Later in the episode, she informed viewers that Cliff and Nicole had not yet decided on who to evict.

But ready or not, the time had finally come and Julie spoke to the house to get the eviction started. After giving their final pleas, Tommy was evicted on a 2-0 vote and became the latest member of the jury.

Following his eviction, Tommy spoke to Julie about his time in the house. He told her he felt Nicole and Cliff were scared of him moving into the final phase of the game.

“I think they evicted me because they’re more scared of me,” he said. “Holly is really strong. She won two competitions and she and I played games that were the same style.”

Julie asked about his relationship with Christie and if it hurt or helped his game and his answer was surprising.

“I honestly don’t know,” Tommy commented. “I didn’t know everyone was targeting Christie so working with her as closely as I did helped me get one week further.”

It was then time to get the next Head of Household competition underway as Holly, Cliff, and Nicole battled it out. The endurance competition saw them swinging in the air and the last person to hang on would be crowned the winner.

Of course, we’ll have to wait and see who wins on Sunday along with the full explosive fight between Jackson and Tommy.

Did Cliff and Nicole make the right choice? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother continues on Sunday night at 8/7c on CBS.

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