Wednesday night’s Big Brother saw one more houseguest secure their spot in the finale.
In case you missed it, here’s a recap of what went down.
Delusional thinking
The episode picks up following Nicole’s nominations of Jackson and Holly. Cliff and Nicole still think Jackson will honor their deal and take them to the final three, which is delusional on their part – especially after last week! Meanwhile, Holly is still upset that Jackson forced her to throw the HOH competition to Nicole.
Cliff goes as far as to ask Holly if he “gave her permission” to play in the Power of Veto (POV) competition, would she throw it and take him to final 3? Holly is rightfully shocked by the question. Later, Cliff tells Jackson he won’t take him to the final 2 but will take Nicole instead, leaving the viewers going “huh?” And Cliff still wants Jackson to hold up their deal? So delusional.
The most important veto
After some filler, it was time for the final PoV competition of the season. For this competition, the players read a statement and knock down the faces of those who don’t match the statement. The player who completed it in the fastest time would win.
Cliff really struggled in this competition, meaning that it would come down to Nicole and Jackson. Nicole had a time of 14:17, while Jackson finished in just over 10 minutes, making him the final veto winner of the season.
Jackson makes a promise
With Jackson winning the PoV competition, Cliff’s fate is all but sealed. Jackson promises Holly that she is going to finale night and he would never turn his back on her. Nicole, on the other hand, has her doubts. Cliff is clueless as ever, thinking that Jackson will be sending Holly home. Boy, is he in for a big shock tonight.
What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!
Big Brother continues tonight at 8/7c LIVE on CBS with host Julie Chen Moonves.