‘Big Brother 21’ recap: Cliff Hogg sent to jury as Season 21 finalists are confirmed

Petroleum Engineer Cliff Hogg became the latest houseguest to be sent to the jury house on Thursday night’s episode of Big Brother.

The episode began with Cliff knowing that he needed to fight for his life in order to stay in the house. He talks to Jackson in the Head of Household (HOH) bedroom and tells him that it wouldn’t be wise to send him to jury, hinting he would take every opportunity to turn the jury against Jackson. Obviously, this doesn’t sit well with Jackson and it made me even more upset than he was.

After four weeks, viewers were finally treated to a jury segment. We find out that Nick and Kat have hooked up; yes, you read that correctly. Even more interesting is that the edit seems to suggest a possible Nicole victory should she make it to the final two.

Host Julie Chen Moonves returned to get the “live” veto meeting and eviction started. To no one’s surprise, Jackson removed himself from the block and Cliff took his place. Jackson gave some pretty lame speech about sticking to his word before Cliff ended up getting evicted from the house.

Following his exit from the house, Julie spoke to Cliff about what went wrong this past week and why it resulted in his eviction on Thursday night.

“It was a strange situation,” Cliff said. “I was scared of Tommy because I thought there would be more mental competitions later on and I felt he’d take Nicole over me.”

Now, the final three are set and either Nicole, Jackson, or Holly will be crowned the winner of Big Brother 21 in just five days time.

What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother continues Sunday at 8/7c on CBS.

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