‘Big Brother 21’ recap: The Six Shooters implode as the power shifts

Sunday’s episode of Big Brother kicked off with an almighty bang as it revealed the drama that went down prior to last Thursday’s eviction and featured just the second power shift of the season. The episode set the tone for what could be the biggest week in the house to date as there is a chance that the first member of The Six Shooters alliance will potentially leave the game. Let’s not waste anymore time and dive into this recap.

The Six Shooters self destruct

The episode kicks off with what everyone wanted to see: the pre-eviction drama that led to the destruction of The Six Shooters. Jackson and Jack are talking about what’s going on in the house and Jackson mentions that he heard Kat and Holly know each other. Jack knew this already but pretended like he was surprised when Jackson told him. Jack then tells Tommy, who falsely adds in that Jackson knows them and are a trio. So it was Tommy who came up with the plan to flip the vote and thus caused of all the drama last week.

Christie then joins in on Jack and Tommy’s conversation, but little do they know Holly is listening at the door. She runs to tell Jackson that there is a flip in the works and that’s when all hell breaks loose.

The Six Shooters meet in the boat room for a meeting, which turns into a shouting match. Jackson and Christie clearly don’t trust each other and Jackson is outed for being the lone vote to evict Kemi, which Nicole was blamed for.

The entire fight was pretty intense and it basically led to the fall of the alliance. Jack, Analyse, Tommy, and Holly clearly don’t want to work with Jackson and Christie moving forward, despite Tommy and Christie having some kind of a deal. Holly is still in with the group, but she also has a final two deal with Kat that’s been in place since the first days in the house.

The Power Shifts

Sunday’s episode saw the power back up for grabs as the houseguests took part in the Head of Household (HOH) competition. They had to memorize several pictures and answer questions about them. Jackson, Christie, Tommy, Analyse, and Jack were all eliminated, meaning we are getting a power shift for just the second time this season. The final question was answered correctly by Jessica, making her the new HOH.

Now that Jessica has the power, she said she wanted to make a big move this week and put a big target up on the block. Clearly, this meant she was not putting up Cliff, Nicole, or Kat. They dubbed themselves “Cliff’s Angels”, but this was not shown on the broadcast.


At the nomination ceremony, Jessica nominated Jack and Jackson for eviction this week as planned. But the big question is this: Will one of them finally go after Cliff’s failure earlier this season? Stay tuned.

Episode Notes

  • Sunday’s episode showed what fans who watch the live feeds have known for some time: Tommy is snakey. He lied to Jack and said that Jackson was part of a “trio” with Holly and Kat and was acting up for the cameras during the HOH.
  • Jack has been a massive douchebag all season long. So to see him go from being cocky and arrogant in the fight to upset and pulling fake tears in the diary room was somewhat satisfying.

What did you make of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother continues Wednesday night at 8/7c on CBS.

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