‘Big Brother 21’ recap: Kathryn Dunn evicted as house divide deepens

Thursday night’s live episode of Big Brother saw Kathryn Dunn become the latest houseguest to be sent to the jury house as she was evicted from the Big Brother house on a 6-1 vote.

Host Julie Chen Moonves kicked off Thursday’s live show by informing viewers that the past 24 hours in the house had seen secrets exposed and new alliances form. Viewers get to see just how dramatic things have been as Cliff gets approached by Nick to be a part of a new six-person alliance, which included Christie, Nicole, Analyse, and Tommy. Nicole felt uneasy about not having Jess included and went to tell her about it.

This is where Nicole screwed up because Jessica is too emotional for this game. She got upset about the whole thing and decided to blow up everyone’s game. What the edit did not show was that Christie and company found out about the “Cliff’s Angels” alliance and Nicole was upset with Nick for putting her in this position to begin with.

The eviction process began and Julie talked to the house to get the live vote. Kat made one last attempt to save herself with her speech, where she threw both Cliff and Nick under the bus. That attempt would fall flat as she was sent packing.

After she exited the house, Kat and Julie sat down for an interview. Julie grilled her about getting mad at Cliff for his deal even though she had a deal with Holly and Jackson.

“I would have stuck with Nicole and Jessica,” Kat answered. “I knew Jackson didn’t like me from the beginning and was playing me. So, I tried to play him as long as I could.”

It was then time to begin the battle to become the new Head of Household. This competition was the classic slip-n-slide competition titled “Aug-tober Fest”, which saw the houseguests sliding back and forth transporting liquid to fill their jugs with “beer”. The show would conclude before a winner was crowned.

What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother continues on Sunday night at 8/7c on CBS.

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