‘Big Brother 21’ recap: Jackson slides his way to a big HOH win

Big Brother continued on Sunday night and saw one houseguest blow up their game and another get a much needed Head of Household (HOH) victory.

Sunday’s episode picks up where we left off on Thursday in the middle of the HOH competition. Jackson knows he needs this win or he will likely be placed up on the block next to Holly. But first, we’ve got to talk about Jessica, who truly proved how dumb she is playing this game.

We rewind to around 18 hours before Thursday’s eviction. Jess confronts Analyse about the new six-person alliance, but she denies it all. Jess then tells her that Holly said Analyse had been getting extra flirty with Jackson, which Analyse then immediately tells Christie. Holly joins the conversation and the three have an extra loud discussion. Jess storms in the room like a bull in a China shop and again asks about the new six-person alliance. Christie lies and said there’s no six-person alliance (spoiler alert: there is!).

Jackson eavesdrops on the conversation and overhears the group talking about how Jackson and Holly have no one in the game. The group then figures out Jess started all of this. So there you have it – Jessica is extremely dumb when it comes to playing this game.

Anyway, back to the HOH competition. We see some slips, falls, and tons of sliding. Jackson, Christie, and Holly are close but Jackson was able to slide his way to a massive win as he and Holly look to survive another week. At this point, Jackson tells us viewers in the Diary Room that he is putting Christie up this week, but who would ultimately sit next to her?

The butt kissing began as Cliff reveals the new six wanted him to target Jackson, which only fires Jackson up more to put up Christie and Analyse. Later, Jackson hints to Analyse she may be going up but is not the target. However, she is too clueless to see it.

At the nomination ceremony, Jackson nominates both Christie and Analyse as expected.

What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother continues Wednesday night at 8/7c on CBS.

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