‘Big Brother 21’ recap: Jackson keeps veto streak alive as Zingbot returns

Big Brother - Free The Zing

Wednesday’s episode of Big Brother saw Zingbot return to roast the final eight and one of the houseguests continue his veto-power winning streak. In case you missed it, here’s a run down of what went down:

Zingbot returns with a ‘ZING!’

Wednesday saw the return of Zingbot, who came back to properly roast the final eight. It was not his best work, but my favorite zing would have to be what he told Tommy.

“With all your constant singing and dancing, you remind me of my favorite musical: Little Shop of Attention Whores,” he zinged.

Let’s be honest: Tommy is a Broadway dancer. Of course he’s going to love the attention and knows what it takes to get the camera and the spotlight on him. It’s what he does for a living.

Jackson balances his way to power… again!

Things got serious when it came time to play the Power of Veto (POV) competition. The players had to maneuver a ball into several holes; the first to do so and hit their button would be declared the winner.

Holly, Jessica, Cliff, and Christie are all awful at this game, so it really came down to Nick and Jackson. Nick took an early lead but slows down, leaving Jackson to catch up. It was a nail biter, but Jackson ended up winning the veto competition for the second straight week.

Nick comes clean

With his back against the wall, Nick gives one last effort to try and have Jackson use the veto on him. He hints to Jackson that he is America’s Prankster and tells him he did not put him up on the block when he had the chance to. Jackson then runs to Holly and relays the news to her.

But that was not all Nick did. He went to Tommy and told him all about being America’s Prankster. It was a good try but everyone knew Jackson wasn’t using this power.

Jackson’s decision

At the veto meeting, Jackson decides to not use the POV, sealing either Nick or Christie’s fate this week. Let’s be real, it’ll be Nick because Christie is like a boomerang, she just keeps coming back.

What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother continues tonight with the LIVE eviction show at 9/8c on CBS with host Julie Chen Moonves.

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