‘Big Brother 21’ recap: Jack Matthews evicted, becomes first member of Season 21 jury

Jack Matthews became the latest houseguest to be evicted from the Big Brother house on Thursday night and also becomes the first member of the Season 21 jury. 

Thursday’s show was the final act in a perfect week for Jessica, which saw her surprisingly win both the Head of Household (HOH) and Power of Veto (POV) competitions. Going into the night, fans and viewers knew the outcome before the show went live. In fact, Jack was so unpopular among viewers that #JacksEvictionParty was trending on Twitter two hours before the live show and was in the top three trending topics in the US afterwards.

Host Julie Chen Moonves spoke to the house live to conduct the voting. In a 6-2 vote, Jack was evicted from the house and then sat down with Julie for a less than warm post-eviction interview.

Julie grilled Jack on his racist and derogatory comments about ex-housemate Kemi, which had the entire Big Brother community talking. Some of Jack’s comments included calling Kemi a “bitch”, “horses***”, and saying he wanted to “stomp a muddle through her chest.”

“I don’t think there was any personal vendetta behind saying that. My statements were playful in a group of people,” Jack said. “I do apologize for what I said, and that’s very sincere. I think Kemi was, and is, a great person. This game, being in a 24-hour view of people, you say things. I wouldn’t say that I fully support the things that I said in the way that I said them. If I could take them back, I would.”

Julie then brought up the “rice pudding” comment when referring to Asian housemate Isabella Wang that had fans on live feeds furious and promoted CBS and show producers to release a statement on the matter. However, Jack told Julie that his comment was taken out of context and nothing racial was meant by it.

“It had nothing to do with her ethnicity whatsoever,” he said. “I appreciate that I get to voice me saying that.”

Then, it was time for the HOH competition, which basically was all about luck. The houseguests had to paddle their way down the “river” in nine seconds or less, the houseguest with the fastest time or got closest would win. In the end, Tommy would outlast everyone to become the new HOH with a time of 8.9 seconds.

It won’t be an easy week for Tommy. He doesn’t know it yet but there will be a new competition called the “BB Field Trip”, which will see the loser automatically go up for eviction.

What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother continues Sunday night at 8/7c on CBS.

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