‘Big Brother 21’ recap: America sends Christie a message (again!)

Sunday night’s episode of Big Brother saw America make their voices heard and send Christie a message in the process.
In case you missed it, here’s a recap of what went down on Sunday’s show.
Christie scrambles and makes a deal
Hours before Thursday’s live eviction, Christie knew she needed to do something or she’d be going straight to the jury house. She knew she had Tommy and Jessica’s vote, so she went to Cliff and Nicole. After talking to Cliff, he made a deal with her to ensure himself and Nicole would stay safe in the coming weeks.
Christie sealed her stay with a talk with Jackson and Holly. She told them that it would be better for her to stay and go after Nick. They both agreed and the rest was history.
Holly’s HOH reign begins
As we saw at the end of Thursday’s episode, Holly is this week’s Head of Household (HoH). However, unlike any other reign, she has to worry about Prank Week screwing things up. She tells Jackson that she wants Nick to go up for nomination and go home this week, but she doesn’t know who to put next to him. Christie comes in and Holly tells her she may have to be a pawn. Essentially, she freaks out at Holly, who then says in the Diary Room that that was suspicious.
America’s Prankster has a trick up their sleeve
Luckily for Holly, America gave her some help. The viewers decided that Nick would be America’s prankster, allowing him to choose one of the nominations. Nick said he’d want to choose someone who gave him the best chance of staying this week.
Nominations time!
At the nomination ceremony, Holly nominated Nick, as planned, and he nominated Christie. Right away, Christie knew she was up because America hates her and pulled out the (fake) tears in the Diary Room.
What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!
Big Brother continues Wednesday at 8/7c on CBS.