Big Brother continued on Thursday night with the second live show of the season as a new camper joined “Camp Comeback” and a new houseguest came into power.
Thursday’s episode picks up with Cliff talking to the camera. He’s talking about a new alliance he made with Nicole and Ovi called the “ZING! alliance”. Little does he know, Christie is listening at the door and runs back to tell gr8ful. This is not good news for Cliff moving forward.
Host Julie Chen Moonves returned for the eviction vote and gave the two nominees a chance to plea their case one final time. Jessica gave a really, really long speech about… something; I honestly zoned out. Kemi, on the other hand, called out Bella and Nick for having too many deals in the game.
Kemi’s plea did her no favors as she was sent to Camp Comeback on a 10-1 vote, with Jackson being the lone vote to keep her in. Kemi now joins David and Ovi in Camp Comeback.
Then, they went to play for the new Head of Household (HoH). This HoH competition was basically a crap shoot and all about luck. Houseguests had to shoot an arrow and have it land on the highest number possible; the houseguest with best score wins HoH. Analyse scored 50, Christie scored 65, Jackson had 70 and Nick had 90, making him the new Head of Household.
What did you think of the eviction show? Let me know in the comments below!
Big Brother continues Sunday at 8/7c on CBS.