Big Brother continued on Sunday night and despite the Six Shooters staying in power another week, one member of the alliance began to rub everyone else the wrong way.
Holly’s Got The Power!
The episode kicked off with the continuation of the Head of Household competition, which required the houseguests to hang onto “vines” in a battle of endurance. Jessica and Nicole fell within the first seven minutes, while Nick and Christie followed shortly after.
Tommy and Jack fell soon after them, leaving Jackson, Analyse, Holly, and Kat to battle it out. Now Kat really did not care about winning the competition; she just wanted to outlast Jackson as he has been a massive douchebag to the girls in the house but we’ll touch on that in a moment.
Jackson drops and so Kat follows shortly after him. Holly and Analyse try to work out a deal, but nothing comes of it thanks to Jackson’s interference. Analyse eventually drops, ensuring Holly’s win and another boring and predictable week.
Jackson rages on
The episode may have been pretty dull and loaded with filler, but it showed a side of Jackson that those who watch the live feeds have seen since the game began. He made Kat cry a few nights ago because he thought that she was talking about him behind his back. He was also rude to Nicole and has just made awful comments in general.
Even his own alliance members have begun to notice and make comments about it, saying that he treats women badly and can have a bad temper. I have a feeling we will be seeing The Six turn on one of their members sooner rather than later.
As expected Holly nominated Nick and Sam for eviction this week. Let’s be real: Holly is the HoH, but Jackson is the one in charge here. The decision about who goes home this week will be his, not Holly’s.
What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!
Big Brother continues Wednesday night at 9/8c on CBS.