‘Big Brother 21’ recap: Isabella Wang sent packing in predictable eviction

Monty Brinton/CBS

Cliff’s promising week officially became a dud as Isabella Wang became the fourth houseguest to be evicted from the Big Brother house on Thursday night.

Thursday’s episode was heavy on the filler, so I will just give you all a quick run down of the important points. The episode kicked off with Nick clearly annoyed with Cliff for not definitively getting a member of the Six Shooters out this week. He is right; the same people Cliff is protecting are the ones who voted him out one week ago. To make matters worse, he allowed Christie to keep her power for another week instead of doing the smart thing and forcing her to use it this week.

Later, we see Cliff talking to Jack, Jackson, and Christie. He tells them he is a good player to take to the end and the edit seems to have us believe that they are considering his offer. However, let’s be real. The Six Shooters are going to pick everyone of the others off but Cliff is just too blind to see it.

Let’s jump ahead to the live vote and eviction. Bella makes a good plea, possibly the best we’ll get this season. She says that the Six Shooters will evict everyone one by one unless someone stops them. But this falls on deaf ears as she was evicted on an 8-2 vote.

Following her exit from the house, Bella sat down with host Julie Chen Moonves for an interview. Bella explained it was the wrong decision to send her home over a true threat like Jack.

“Jack is a stronger player than me,” she said. “He won HoH and the second power while I won nothing. Now he is going to walk the dogs and go straight into the final two.”

Julie then asked if Cliff cost himself the game by sending Bella home over Jack, with Bella giving a surprising response.

“Cliff sacrificed his game,” she answered. “He did not sacrifice his integrity and that speaks a lot about his character and as a person. I would never hold that against him.”

With Bella gone, it was time to see who would be the new Head of Household (HoH). This week saw the houseguests in a battle of endurance as the goal was to hang on your “vine” the longest. As the show ended, you could see Jessica and Nicole fall off pretty much immediately. Wow! That has to be a new record!

What did you think of the eviction? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother continues on Sunday night at 8/7c on CBS with the results of the HoH competition and the next set of nominations.

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