A Win for ‘Wynonna Earp’: Season 4 Officially Happening

On Twitter, the hashtag #FightforWynonna spread like wildfire after news came out that Wynonna Earp might not come back for a season 4; IDW (the company that produces the show) reported the show was a financial burden and that it might not be able to be brought back for a fourth season, despite a fourth AND fifth season being announced at San Diego Comic Con 2018. Fans, including yours truly, desperately wanted the show to live on; the characters and the actors who portrayed them had wormed their way into our very souls. No lie, I ship WayHaught WayHarder than I probably should!
Earlier today, Earpers got the news they had been waiting for. Emily Andras, creator of Syfy’s best show since Battlestar Galactica (in this author’s opinion, at least), began retweeting the news that production had already begun on Season 4 and would air sometime in 2020. Yes, this means fans will have to have waited two years by the time season 4 airs to find out what happened to Waverly and Doc after their staircase ascension. But considering that the show has been in purgatory (pun absolutely intended), I think we can handle it.
For those who have yet to become Earpers, you have plenty of time to catch up before Season 4 airs. Seasons 1 and 2 are currently streaming on Netflix with Season 3 expected to show up sometime in the later half of July.
Are you excited that Wynonna Earp is definitely coming back? Let me know in the comments below!