‘Big Brother 21’ recap: Alliances form, one is banished, and the first HoH is crowned

Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS

Big Brother continued its two-night premiere on Wednesday night with a jam-packed hour featuring two competitions, alliances forming, and one houseguest departing the house.

Wednesday’s episode kicked off with Jackson deciding who he wants to banish from the house. He quickly decided that Kemi, David, Cliff, and Jessica would be banished. Host Julie Chen Moonves returned to tell the houseguests only three of them would make it back to the house. Cliff, Kemi, and Jessica all returned, leaving David as the odd man out. Julie adds “for now”, so there’s a chance we all may see him in the future.

With David out, it was time to head into the first Head of Household competition of the summer. The houseguests had to hang on tight to a “log” that was swinging in the air. One by one, the houseguests fell to the ground, leaving Tommy and Christie hanging on for dear life. In the end, Tommy would loose his footing, making Christie the first Head of Household of Season 21. And that’s where we’re at heading into Sunday!

Episode Notes:

  • The first alliance of the season formed with Jackson, Jack, Isabella, Sam, Holly, and Christie. A six-person alliance rarely works in this game, so it’ll be interesting to see if this sticks.
  • David going out early is too easy. I feel he may be coming back after next week’s eviction.
  • I felt so bad for whatever intern was in that squirrel suit. What a hilarious way to send the houseguests to banishment.

What did you make of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother continues Sunday night at 8/7c on CBS.

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