‘Big Brother 21’ premiere recap: Season 21 begins with one hell of a game-changing twist

It’s summer time and that’s means it is time for summer camp, Big Brother style!
The 21st season of the CBS summer hit returned on Tuesday night as host Julie Chen Moonves welcomed 16 brand new houseguests to the Big Brother house to begin a three-month long battle for $500,000.
The newest batch of houseguests entered the house in two groups of eight. The first to enter were Tommy, Jack, Kathryn, Nicole, Jackson, Ovi, Holly, and Kemi. That left the second group of Nick, Christie, Sam, Jessica, Analyse, Isabella, David, and Cliff to enter and fight over which beds they would sleep in.
After the houseguests settled in and got to know each other, Julie came on the screen to announce the big twist. Since the theme is summer camp, every camp needs a director. The houseguests will vote later on in the day on who will be the director.
Quickly, the girls – along with Tommy – form a bond. They want to make Jessica the director because they felt a connection to her and it’d be nice to have a woman running things from the get go. I hate to break it you ladies but a girls alliance never lasts long in Big Brother.
And my point was proven because in the span of ten minutes we saw Nicole, Isabella and Christie all switch sides and cast their vote for Jackson, but did not tell Jessica.
Julie returned for the vote and revealed Jackson had 10 votes to Jessica’s four. I have to admit, though, watching the losers of the vote get splattered with paint was an extra bonus.
Anyway, Julie tells the houseguests that Jackson must “banish” four of the houseguests, who will then have to battle their way back into the house. The catch? There’s only three spaces at the finish line, so that means one houseguest will be sent home less than 48 hours into the game.
Who would you choose to banish based on the premiere? Let me know in the comments below!
Episode Notes:
- I hope the editors have gotten all the Jason Momoa references out of the way in the premiere because that is going to get old quickly.
- Can we stop with the fake “I’m going into the BB house” key reveals? A camera crew filming you at home should be a massive hint.
Big Brother continues on Wednesday night with the two-night premiere event hosted by Julie Chen Moonves at 8/7c on CBS.