Five Best Moments of ‘The Village’ 1×06 “Yes or No”

We wouldn’t have known it going in, but “Yes or No” was the episode of The Village we had all been waiting for, the one where Nick and Sarah’s big secret finally gets revealed to Katie. It’s not how either of them wanted it to go down, but does life ever happen according to plan?
Elsewhere, the first Gospel Brunch at Smalls serves as the backdrop for the residents of The Village coming to terms with the various dilemmas in their lives.
Here are my picks for the five best moments from The Village episode 1×06, titled “Yes or No”.
“Alexa, play romantic music.”
God bless Enzo. He is truly the comedic relief on this show and never fails to crack me up with his one-liners. When Sofia shows up to the Napolitanos’ apartment unannounced, Enzo decides to take Sammy and leave her and Gabe alone. Enzo is convinced that this is Gabe’s new girlfriend so as he walks out, he asks Alexa to play “romantic music”. Alexa immediately starts playing classical music and Gabe swiftly turns it off but not before Sofia asks Alexa to “define privilege”. Gabe quickly turns Alexa off again and the two of them start bantering as they always do.
The bantering between Sofia and Gabe has honestly one of my favorite parts of each episode. And I’m not afraid to say it: the character of Gabe did not come to life until Sofia showed up. That’s no fault to Daren Kagasoff, who is a wonderful actor and the perfect choice to play Gabe. But there had been no real depth to Gabe until Sofia started pushing his buttons and making him question whether or not he was comfortable with the life of “privilege” he was living. I can’t wait to see where things for these two over the next 4 episodes.
Sarah and Ava having girl talk
Y’all, I didn’t know how much I needed this small, essentially inconsequential scene until it happened. At the Gospel bunch, Ava asks Sarah if everything’s okay and they end up drinking champagne and dishing about what’s going on in their lives (side note: Sarah drinking straight from the bottle is ONE BIG MOOD). Patricia is a great role model and mentor to both of them, but sometimes you just need a good girlfriend your age to connect with. Sarah and Ava have both been through hell in the first six episodes so I’m glad that we finally got to see that these two can lean on each other through everything.
Enzo gets Gwendolina’s digits + cannolis
Enzo’s been dying to find Gwendolina, his mystery woman that he met a few episodes ago but failed to get her name or number. After getting her first name in last week’s episode, Ben helps out by looking up her address in the police records. But when they arrive, he realizes that it wasn’t his Gwendolina, just a twenty-something using her dead Grandmother’s identity to keep an apartment.
But as it turns out, he’s not the only one who was looking. Someone buzzes up to his apartment, but no one answers. When Enzo goes down to the door, he finds a basket of cannolis with a note that not only included Gwendolina’s full name but her digits on the back.
Katie found someone to (potentially) give her baby to
Liam takes Katie to the apartment where he works (he’s a terrace gardener!) and let’s Katie explore. As it turns out, the apartment is filled with art and he knew Katie would love it. As she’s exploring, she ends up meeting Claire, the woman who lives in the apartment. The two get to talking and really start clicking, so Katie takes that as an “ok” to ask about the nursery she was mesmerized by. The woman tells her that she had a late-term loss last year and just hasn’t been able to bring herself to take it down.
They leave the apartment and on their walk back, Katie confronts Liam about the real reason he took her to that apartment. He tells her that’s not it at all, but she doesn’t believe him and storms off. However Katie doesn’t go straight home. She goes back to Claire’s apartment, reveals to her that she’s pregnant, and asks if they can talk some more.
When Katie returns home that night, she tells Sarah she might have found someone to take her baby. But she’s emotional about, crying to Sarah and asking her why she feels about it. Sarah just simply replies, “Because being a mom is hard.”
Katie and Sarah hear Nick getting the crap beat out of him upstairs by his Army buddy for sleeping with Amy — his dead teammate’s widow — and rush upstairs to check on him. While Sarah starts tending to Nick, he takes his shirt off and reveals a FDNY tattoo on his bicep. Slowly, Katie starts putting two and two together. Her father was once a firefighter during 9/11 and Sarah knew Nick as a teenager. She yells at Sarah to tell her ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and when Sarah finally comes clean and tells her ‘yes’, Katie rushes out of Nicks’ apartment. Sarah tries to stop her, even going so far as to envelop her in a massive hug, but Katie tells her if she ever wants to speak to her again she better let her go.
I knew this reveal was coming at some point this season, but I had no idea it was coming in episode six. This reveal changes everything for everyone involved; the Sarah-Katie dynamic is completely broken, Nick and Sarah were already having issues after sleeping together the night before and who knows what it means for Nick and Katie’s kind-of-existing relationship?
Honorable Mention: Hailey Kilgore singing
We were all #blessed in this week’s episode with Hailey Kilgore’s singing. For those of you who aren’t familiar with her resume, Kilgore earned a Tony Award nomination last year for her Broadway debut as Ti Moune in Once On This Island. Seriously, this girl is a star and I’m so glad they let her sing A LOT in this week’s episode.
What were your favorite moments from this episode? Let me know in the comments below!
The Village airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on NBC.