The Magicians: Season Four Predictions

We’re only a few episodes into season four of The Magicians, and it isn’t hard to make some early predictions as to where the season may head. Before I go further, I have an embarrassing confession to make: I have never read the books. I know, I know! After every season, I promise myself I’ll read the books and after every season, other books just jump in and take over. So these season four predictions I’m making are based solely on the series up until this point. Here we go:

– That sure isn’t Santa in library jail next to Alice (Olivia Taylor Dudley). If you rearrange the letters in Santa you get Satan, and I believe Ol’ Nick is more likely Ol’ Scratch (another name for the devil) than Saint Nicholas. The show is not afraid of ugly villains, like The Beast from season one and Renard from season two.

– Someone – most likely Margo (Summer Bishil)- will avenge the Fairy Queen (Candis Cayne) and the fairy abuse by the McAllistair clan, especially Irene. That horror should definitely not go unpunished.

– The Library is going to get a major shake-up. The Librarian (Mageina Tovah) lost her daughter (Marlee Matlin) last season. That also won’t go unavenged! And of course keeping Alice locked up in the library – or anywhere for that matter – is a terribly bad idea because we all know what Alice is capable of.

– We’re going to see a lot more of the Queliot ship. But Eliot (Hale Appleman) is the monster, and the monster has to be destroyed. I think Quentin (Jason Ralph) is going to have to be the one to do it.

– It’s been confirmed there will be another musical episode and we fans will be eagerly waiting for it!

– Hopefully we’ll see a Fillorian wedding, as Fray (Madeleine Arthur) marries her Bear. Hey, something good has to happen this season, right?

We’re heading into episode 4×03 tonight and anything can change the game, meaning these predictions may go out the window. However, a lot of the above issues still need to be resolved. All I can say is keep watching! The Magicians is a brilliant, creative, magical show where anything and everything is possible. And I promise this year is the year I’m finally going to read the books (after the season ends, of course)!

What are some of your predictions for the rest of season four? Let me know in the comments below!

The Magicians airs on Wednesdays at 9/8c on SyFy.

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