Ryan Lochte evicted second from Celebrity Big Brother as Kato’s backdoor plan is complete

Gold medal Olympian Ryan Lochte became the second celebrity to be evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother house on Monday night, losing out to Tamar Braxton in the final vote.

Monday night’s show was a packed hour with the live veto competition, ceremony, and eviction all taking place in 42 minutes (if you don’t count commercials). Things pick up following Kato’s nominations of Tamar and Dina, with Tamar furious over the fact Kato mentioned her son during his speech.

“Ain’t no one ever been called out for being a working mother,” Tamar exclaimed in the bedroom.

She goes to confront Kato, who denies saying it and even suggests it was not meant in the way it came out. Meanwhile, Tom and Kato know they need allies if they want to move further in the game and they approach Lolo about working with her and Natalie. Lolo is a little hesitant because she has already had two different alliances crumble in just 13 days.

To solidify the alliance, Kato decides to let the girls in on his secret of backdooring Ryan. Lolo looks stunned but doesn’t say anything. However, Natalie agrees that this might be the only time to take him out. But there’s one problem: Ryan knows because he was listening to their conversation the entire time!

Uh oh. You can tell these celebrities are amateurs at this game. The number one rule of Big Brother is to always check the room and close the doors when having conversations about the game.

Anyway, Ryan relays this information back to Joey, who is also furious. However, at this point, it is all going to come down to the Power of Veto competition.

Dina, Tamar, Kato, Joey, Tom, and Natalie are all playing in the Power of Veto competition. This isn’t good for Ryan; since he can’t play, he’ll have no chance of saving himself. The competition is called “World Wide Rollout” which sees the celebs roll a ball around the globe to get the highest number. Tom and Tamar tied with 35 and faced off again. Tom rolled a 70 and Tamar had 45, which meant Tom won the Power of Veto

At the live veto ceremony, Tom pulled off Dina and Kato and officially put his backdoor plan into motion as he nominated Ryan. Host Julie Chen Moonves returned for the live vote and eviction, calling each celebrity to the Diary Room to cast their votes. Side note, why does Julie call Natalie Eva Marie by her full name? Why can’t she just call her Natalie? Anyway, Julie revealed Ryan was evicted by a 6-1 vote.

Following his eviction, Ryan spoke to Julie about his time in the house and admitted where it all went wrong for him in the game.

“The alliance I made with the girls,” he said. “I think it was the wrong move.”

Julie then asked him since he and Lolo will both likely be competing in the 2020 Olympic Games, can he put what happened in the Big Brother house aside?

“Absolutely,” he said. “It’s a game. There are no hard feelings. We’ll probably be rooting for each other next year. But no, it is a game.”

Was Ryan the right person to be evicted? Let me know in the comments below!

Celebrity Big Brother continues on Wednesday night at 8/7c on CBS with the Head of Household competition and the next round of nominations. 

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