Three days into Celebrity Big Brother and the celebs already can’t stand each other. Wednesday night’s show brought drama, drama, and more drama.
The episode picks up following Ryan’s nominations of Anthony and Tom. The girls aren’t too pleased with the nominations because Ryan never came to them and told them who he was going to put up. Lolo informs the ladies she saw Jonathan give Ryan ‘a look’, which we viewers see through a flashback. This all but confirms to Lolo and Tamar that Jonathan is using Ryan’s HoH for his own bidding.
Jonathan’s creepy vibes continue on as he just randomly walks into the gym before walking out moments later. The girls stop their talking as Tamar brings up the idea of getting Jonathan out now because they might not have another chance at it. *Red alert, Jonathan! Red alert!*
The drama does not stop there as Natalie and Lolo walk into the bedroom and talk about what they want to name their final two. One problem though: Tamar was laying in bed and overhears this. Oblivious, Natalie didn’t even realize it until it is too late and tries to play it off like she knew Tamar was in the room. However, Tamar isn’t stupid and obviously knows Natalie is lying.
Rule No. 1 of Big Brother: Check the rooms before you speak about anything.
So back to the Jonathan drama. He and Ryan notice that the girls stop talking any time the pair walks into the room and that is Big Brother 101 folks. Lolo confirms this as she flips the bird to Jonathan and Ryan’s memory wall photos in front of them.
Moving on to the first Power of Veto competition of the season, which saw five celebs rock on a horse 60 times before having 30 seconds to stack gold bars on a horseshoe. Ricky, Joey, Ryan, Jonathan, Anthony, and Tom are all playing but Joey basically throws it. Ricky, who didn’t want to win, ends up taking this one easily.
There’s one final piece of drama to settle and that’s between Kandi and Tamar. Us viewers finally get some details into their history outside of the house. Basically, they were on tour together and Tamar alleges Kandi said some shady stuff, but Kandi doesn’t remember. Kandi laughs it off and that doesn’t sit well with Tamar so she’s off to the DR to have a crying breakdown fit.
At the veto meeting, Ricky decides to not use the PoV. This leaves Anthony, Jonathan, and Tom up for the first eviction of the season. However, the BB narrator says: “a shocking twist will send another Houseguest out the door.”
So what is it? Speculation online is that Anthony was not a real houseguest but a mole, which is why he is no longer in the game because he was part of a twist. We’ll find out Friday for sure.
Who do you want to be evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother house? Let me know in the comments below!
Celebrity Big Brother continues Friday night at 8/7c on CBS with the first LIVE eviction of the season with host Julie Chen Moonves