Exclusive Season 4 Scoop on Fuller House with Showrunners Bryan Behar & Steve Baldikoski

I’ve loved Full House since it’s 1987 debut. Like many, I couldn’t wait to catch up with my favorite characters when Fuller House was first announced. I even got my “I’m a DJ” t-shirt during Netflix’s fannerino campaign. So, when I got the opportunity to interview showrunners Bryan Behar and Steve Baldikoski you can bet, I was stoked. These two gentlemen were hugely entertaining and I would’ve happily talked to them all day. Lucky for you, they were also very generous with season 4 details.
Over their 23-years working together Bryan and Steve have penned and produced some of your favorite TV shows, such as 8 Simple Rules, The New Adventures of Old Christine and Last Man Standing, to name just a few. Yet, according to them, none have resonated with fans in the way Fuller House does.
Steve and I have written on 22 different sitcoms in 23 years and this is an entirely different beast. This is something in which people really feel immensely connected to these characters and all we wanted to do was to continue the legacy, to honor that connection between the fans and the characters and, where we could, to make the show funnier, and to make it more emotionally real and resonant. – Bryan
While they didn’t work on the flagship show they’ve been with Fuller House from the outset, having written some of its best episodes, including “D.J. and Kimmy’s High School Reunion,” “Wedding or Not Here We Come,” and “Surrogate City.” They also co-executive produced the series before stepping to the forefront this year after Jeff Franklin was ousted.
Taking the lead, they were most excited to make the show as joyous behind the scenes as it is on camera, to treat the characters as real people and to deliver a funnier and more emotional season.
Recently, the Emmy nominated show has had conflicting reports swirling around it as to whether or not this would be its final run. Thankfully, the rumors were premature! Netflix has assured cast & crew that if and when they determine it’s time to lock the door on SanFran’s most famous painted lady they will be given advance notice so they can wrap accordingly.
“Netflix told us that if it was the last season, they would have told us.” “Everything that we’re hearing from the network and studio is very positive that the show will continue.”- Steve
So, what do we know about the forthcoming season? Well, the extended family, in its entirety, is moving back to Frisco, which means you’ll be seeing a bit more of the legacies without having contrived reunions built around holidays or lame excuses – Yo, babysitter Joey. We’re talking to you!
Stories will be more intimate and organic, such as Jesse attending a Daddy and Me class with little Pamela or having an issue with the Mrs. You’ll also see Becky and Danny once again chirp that familiar refrain, “Waaaaaake up, San Francisco” as they return to co-hosting your favorite fictional morning show. But – and I’m loathe to say this – that also means more of the galling Gladstones. (I know I’m not the only one who wants them to “Cut. It. Out.” where dear Joey’s spawn is concerned.)
That said, the primary focus of the show will – and always will – be on our favorite She-Wolf Pack. The showrunners know full well that it’s the tight, girl-powered relationship between DJ, Kimmy, and Stephanie that fans hold dear. So, no need to fear they’ll have an even fuller house because nothing is changing there.
“There’s no relationship that people care about, maybe more, except for Steve and DJ, but the core of our series is the three women as friends. How does that friendship evolve? How does that evolve with two of them involved in a surrogacy for each other, and how does that impact the three of them?” – Bryan
You’ll be happy to know, Bryan and Steve made it their goal to get back to the basics and remove a lot of the extraneous distractions (aka people we don’t care about) we saw in seasons 2 and 3. This season is all about the love between the show’s core relationships – and yes, that means Steej, but we’ll get to them in a minute.
First, a few highlights for the she-wolves. Our ladies will be heading out on a 70’s cruise where they’re expecting fun in the sun with a disco groove. Feathered hair, platform shoes, Charlie’s Angel’s best. Oh, yeah! Only… it’s not a 70’s-themed cruise so much as it is a boat full of hard of hearing, walker-pushing 70-year-olds. And if that delish set-up weren’t enough, we also have real life 70’s legends Lee Majors and Lindsay Wagner showing up as detectives.
You’ll also see another memorable Girls Night Out as our fave gal pals have finally snagged tickets to Hamilton. But do things ever go as planned? Let’s just say, the second the orchestra tunes up, well, there’s some things you can’t hold in no matter how badly you may want to.
“We are very keenly aware that the fans love the three women together and that the She-Wolf Pack and Girls Night Out episodes have always been amongst our most popular. We really try to serve that this year a lot.” – Bryan
As for Steej, Stephanie and Kimmy are just as invested in their love story as most of us are. When Steve and DJ finally get their first real date, they feel an incredible amount of pressure to get things right, yet they can’t even get out of town due to a traffic jam! But somehow, someway, Steve manages to save the day. And, in what Candace calls her favorite episode, you’ll see the two sing and dance ala La La Land in a full-on, cinematically shot, good old-fashioned musical number filmed outdoors with fifty dancers and an original song. Awww….
You’ll also see the return of Gia (Marla Sokoloff) in a prominent and unexpected way that’s going to be particularly thorny for DJ, Max will struggle with the loss of his dad at Christmas time, we’ll finally learn what happened following that long-ago prom night that led to the end of Steej and we’ll meet Stephanie’s new baby or babies… don’t forget there were three viable embryos. Shall we place a bet on twins?
All in all, I came away from the interview with one impression – Steve and Bryan have made this season with the fans enduring love and wishes for these characters specifically in mind. I haven’t previewed any episodes but after talking to them I couldn’t help but express my enthusiasm and thanks as a fan for what’s to come and got a response from Bryan that made Steve groan and me giggle.
“You got it, dude.”
Season 4 of Fuller House arrives on Netflix December 14th. And be sure to follow Bryan and Steve on Twitter.