Corvyx Feels It In The Air Tonight With New Met Gala Inspired Cover

IN THE AIR TONIGHT | Phil Collins Cover (2018 REMAKE)

Corvyx was our hands-down winner in our February Cover Wars feature. His unique, eye-catching visuals combined with a one of a kind voice make Corvyx one of the biggest musical sensations on YouTube, with over 33,000 followers and counting.

With an ever-growing fanbase, his platform on YouTube has revolutionized the world of music video production and covers by elevating simple bedroom covers to the caliber of high-budget label productions. Corvyx’s latest offering, a cover of Phil Collins’ “In The Air Tonight,” revamps and rebirths the iconic chart-topper to appeal to the masses. Ambient, driving, modern production marry enchanting electronic elements, hypnotic powerhouse vocals, as well as an astonishing visual concept to match.

The 2018 Met Gala was also a huge source of inspiration for this particular video. With fashion, religion, vision, vocals, and power, he creates a completely new meaning for the song. If the Gala had spawned a 5-minute music video, he would have birthed the immaculate conception with his chilling take on the track. More than ever, pop culture has taken to the world of religion for music and fashion inspiration. Corvyx’s re-imagined vision of the Phil Collins classic has embodied all of what the music and fashion industry has recently resurged – a religious renaissance of sorts if you will.

Corvyx has taken the YouTube cover game to another dimension. With his cinematic concepts and provocative aesthetic, this talented young artist has resurrected a timeless masterpiece and if you weren’t a believer before, “In the Air Tonight” will take you to church.

Make sure you visit Corvyx’s website and follow him on InstagramFacebookTwitter, and YouTube.

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