Advance Review: Image Comic’s “Twisted Romance” Issue 3

Image Comics has been on a roll recently. The third issue of their Twisted Romance series is just as impressive as the previous two issues. The featured love stories in this issue are a bit more whimsical and somber than the last six stories.
First up is Invincible Heart by Alex De Campi and Carla Speed McNeil. De Campi does it again, bringing us a love story between a space captain and the rebel leader of the ground forces. McNeil’s artwork is refreshing for a black and white piece. It makes you focus more on what’s happening in each scene of this homoerotic thrill.
At first glance, this seems like a knockoff of any number of SyFy original movies, but De Campi sweeps us into a meeting of the minds with Justin and Black. This is a classic government versus the people argument. Justin has his orders, though the enigmatic Black is all he can think about. So what do you do when you start to fall in love with someone you’ve been charged with executing? You guys will have to pick up your copy to find out.
The prose story in this volume is The Last Minute by Jess Bradley. This story boasts all of the feels of a doomed love with all of the suspense of an alien invasion. Bradley presents Naomi Hansen and Daniel Cline in the first few paragraphs climbing an impenetrable tower. We later find out that these two have been preparing for months in order to stop alien creatures from continuing to ravage the planet.
Naomi’s determination to make a last stand has led Daniel to open his heart, even with their possible demise looming in the distance. Bradley delivers a romantic tale that’s sure to hit you right when you least expect it.
Olivia Lies, Pierced by Margaret Trauth is the second comic and last story in this volume. Trauth presents the Staisbridge Academy of Diplomacy, where all manner of anthropomorphized animals take lessons for combat and noble peacekeeping. Think Zootopia in space. Trauth shows Olivia Featherstone, a feline troublemaker and her friend Baron K, a mouse and heir to a space dynasty. These two get up to much mischief while discovering what they really mean to each other.
These stories are more lighthearted than we’ve seen in the previous issues; even the impending doom in The Last Minute. Image Comics has one more issue left in this series. I wonder what stories we’ll see in the finale.
You can purchase the digital edition from Amazon or subscribe to the print editions at Image Comics.