Tickets Still Available for New Jersey Comic Expo 2017

New Jersey Comic Expo is back and better than ever!

Every fall, this convention is the best way to celebrate the best in comics and pop culture at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center. This is a great opportunity to see exhibitors promoting and selling all types of related products, as well as entertaining and educational programs, guest signings and meet & greet sessions with celebrities. This year is no different. There are plenty of talented writers, artists, illustrators and creators of all types of pop culture that you have the chance to interact with.


Advance ticket holders get early admission onto the Exhibit floor on Saturday and Sunday, so I suggest getting your tickets sooner rather than later. The Show Floor Hours are as follows:

Saturday, Nov. 18th, 2017
10:00 am – 7:00 pm (Advance Ticket holders at 9:30 am)

Sunday, Nov. 19th, 2017
11:00 am – 5:00 pm (Advance Ticket holders at 10:30 am)


You can purchase your tickets here for the New Jersey Comic Expo at the New Jersey Expo Center in Edison, NJ on November 18th and 19th. The weekend pass is only $50 online and $55 on-site, and kids 10 and under are FREE all weekend. They also offer a $5 discount to members who are active and former military and law enforcement (use code MilitaryLawEnforcement), as well as senior citizens (SeniorCitizen) aged 65 and over.

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