Hang Like Spidey NYCC Experience

This year at New York Comic Con, to no one’s surprise, Spider-Man took over the show and really seemed to bring the big guns. After the huge success of Spider-Man: Homecoming at this summer’s box office, earning a domestic total of $332,853,104, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment brought an exact replica of Peter Parker’s bedroom from Queens to the convention center.

From Legos to messy bed sheets, the feeling of being in Spider-Man’s actual room was almost too real, but my colleague Shamya and I enjoyed every minute of it. Check out the clip below.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8CzJu5vTvU&w=560&h=315]

As you can see, the entire experience was a lot of fun, and available to everyone at the convention. Some even got the chance to meet Spidey’s best friend, Ned, when Jacob Batalon stopped by!

Didn’t get the chance to swing by New York Comic Con? No worries, you can relive the Homecoming experience from the comfort of your own home. Spider-Man: Homecoming is currently available on Digital HD, and will be released in 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray and DVD October 17th.


Videos by Christian Streaty and ShaMya Williams.

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