26 Reasons Why?

After a highly popular and celebrated first season, it has been confirmed that Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why will be brought back for a second season.

The first season was extremely powerful and spoke strongly about teenage suicide, rape, and bullying, so it may be hard to follow in its footsteps.

As 13 Reasons Why was directed by Oscar Winner Tom McCarthy, written by Yorkey, and executive produced by Selena Gomez, Joy Gorman, Michael Sugar, Steve Golin and Brian Yorkey from Anonymous Content, Kristel Laiblin and Mandy Teefey and produced for Netflix by Paramount Television, I  feel confident the same team will be up for the challenge and able to bring us a season two that’s just as strong as the first.

Season two is set to premiere in 2018 and will further pick up on the aftermath of Hannah’s death.

Tell us, did you expect there to be a second season?

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