Last week was a week to give thanks. While we’re thankful for family and friends, good food (which we may or may not have eaten too much of), and many more things in our lives, we are also thankful for these moments in TV these past two weeks…and the revival of Gilmore Girls.
Best One-Liner: Gilmore Girls: A year in the life
“I can’t spend any more time and energy on artifice and bullshit.” – Emily Gilmore
Most Lovable Character: The walking dead
Honestly, how can you not love Tara? In the most recent episode of TWD, which was a bottle episode focused entirely on Tara, some much needed comic relief was provided. She sneaks into a camp (err, crawls in without knowing), tries to make nice by being the super cool and super awkward person that she was. Even with a gun pointed directly at her she manages to crack jokes. And lets not forget that she grabbed a pair of brightly colored sunglasses for her trek back to Alexandria.
Honorable Mention: Kara Danvers (Supergirl, Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow)
Biggest Jerk: Teen Wolf
Ghost Riders
Yeah, this little band of supernatural creatures on their Wild Hunt just really aren’t the nicest and very easily land themselves in the spot for biggest jerk. As if making people disappear wasn’t enough, they make their memory disappear, too. Stiles is gone and nobody remembers who he is. And now an entire houseful of kids just saw the Ghost Riders, so I guess we’ll be saying goodbye to a significant portion of the Beacon Hills High School student population unless Scott and his pack can find a solution.
Most Swoon-Worthy Scene: Younger
Josh in a speedo
I really don’t need to say much more about this other than Nico Tortorella is shirtless for a good portion of his scenes. (Contributed by Bryna Kramer)
Biggest OTP Moment: Gilmore girls: a year in the life
Luke and Lorelai finally get married
Lorelai returns from her “Wild” inspired adventure and Luke jumps to conclusions, thinking that she’s going to leave him. “There will never be anyone more here for you than me,” he yells. “I will never leave. I will never think about leaving. I will do whatever it takes to fix what’s wrong.” However, Lorelai does not want to break things off. In fact, she intends to do the exact opposite: get married. At the end of the “Fall” installment, and just ahead of their planned wedding, the two decide to tie the knot during an intimate ceremony in the middle of the night with just Rory, Lane and Michel in attendance. Cue all the fangirl screams as this is what so many of us have waited for since the first time we saw Lorelai ask Luke for some coffee. (Contributed by Bryna Kramer)
Most Emotional Scene: gilmore girls: a year in the life
Rory writes in Richard’s study
Rory decides that her grandparent’s house is the perfect place to write her book. When she arrives, she starts to relive some of her best times in that home. Eventually, she ends up in Richard’s study, where she takes a seat in his chair and starts writing. It was the perfect place for her to write the first three chapters of her book and the perfect place for all of my tears to come rushing down my face. (Contributed by Bryna Kramer)
Most Heartbreaking Moment: gilmore girls: a year in the life
Logan and Rory actually call it quits
While it is up to one’s own interpretation, the moment that Logan and Rory officially called it quits was one of the most heartbreaking moments of the entire revival for me. In the “Fall” installment, Logan flies to Stars Hollow and enlists his friends Finn, Collin and Robert for one more giant Life and Death Brigade extravaganza. Afterward, they travel to a bed and breakfast in Vermont where Rory and Logan have one last night together before they say farewell forever, and he goes back to London to marry Odette. Before he does, Logan tries to pressure Rory into borrowing his family’s house in Maine so she can finish writing her book.
“If you change your mind about the house…” Logan says after they kiss.
“I think your days of rescuing me are over,” Rory says.
“You never really needed rescuing, Ace,” Logan says. “You know that.”
“I do now,” Rory says.
I truly believed that Logan was somebody that tried to push Rory to try new things and to be the best person that she could possibly be. Logan and Rory are still both clearly in love with each other but life just got in the way. Therefore, this heartbreaking moment between my favorite Stars Hollow couple made me cry like no other moment in the revival. (Contributed by Bryna Kramer)
Most Heartwarming Moment: The Walking Dead
“Maggie. Maggie Rhee.”
Just…just give me a minute, please, because I am still not over this. In “Go Getters,” Maggie said the words that we’ve all been waiting to hear: Maggie Rhee. She’s no longer going by the Greene family name, instead, she’s choosing to honor her husband and keep his memory alive by taking his name. “This is our home now, so you’ll learn to start to call me by my name. Not Marsha. Not Dear. Not Honey. Maggie. Maggie Rhee.” My heart is melting because of how bittersweet this is.
Funniest Scene: The Walking Dead
Tara Gives Rachel the bird
Rachel is just a little girl, but she is bada**. Throughout the entire episode, she is ready to kill Tara, even once Tara is welcomed into Oceanside. Her distaste for Tara hasn’t lessened at all by the end of the episode, and as Tara walks by and Rachel spits at her, Tara gives her a parting gift: the middle finger.
Cutest Moment: Younger
Liza gets a tattoo from Josh
This could also classify as a big OTP moment depending on whether or not your Team Josh (like I am). But, either way, there is no denying that this is a cute, heartwarming moment, especially because this show does such a good job at making you like both men in Liza’s life. Earlier in the episode, Josh points out, after a weird conversation about anal sex, that he is not going to be Liza’s first time for anything. Wanting to prove to him that he means something to her, Liza lets Josh give her one of her firsts: a tattoo that is symbolic of their relationship. Josh’s design is an hourglass on its side. “[It’s] us, living in the now,” as Josh says. “So when we’re together, it’s like time has stopped.” It’s a cute moment that made me “awe.” (Contributed by Bryna Kramer)
Most Shocking: Once Upon a time
Finding out Rumple’s mother
The six-year question of who the heck is Rumple’s mother has finally been answered. Low and behold, not only is Pan his father, but the Black Fairy is his mother. I totally did not see that coming. Granted, everything in this episode completely shocked me, but this takes the case. Of course Rumple’s two parents had to be dreadfully evil to produce someone like him. Makes sense.
Performer of the Week: Gilmore girls: a year in the life
Lauren Graham as Lorelai Gilmore
Nearly a decade after the original Gilmore Girls series ended, Lauren Graham was able to pick up right where she left off as Lorelai Gilmore. However, in the revival, especially in the fourth installment “Fall,” viewers were able to see Graham tap into a rarely seen emotional side of her character. After she attempts to go on a “Wild” inspired adventure to self-discovery, Lorelai calls her mother Emily, and tells a heartfelt anecdote about her late father Richard consoling her with a soft pretzel and a movie after a teenage breakup. Lorelai has always buried her emotions under sarcasm. But here, Graham finally got to fully explore this side of Lorelai, one that was fueled by the pain of losing her father and by never really connecting with her mother. And Graham knocked it out of the park. Seriously, I don’t know if she’s ever acted as well as she did in that scene. Brava. (Contributed by Bryna Kramer)
That’s it for this week! Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments and let us know if we missed anything or if there are any categories you would like us to add! We will see you next week with more Talk Nerdy With Us Weekly TV Superlative Awards!