TNWU Weekly Superlatives (December 4th-10th)

Best One-Liner: Pitch
“I don’t need a man to rescue me” – Ginny Baker
Lawson comes to the mound to give Ginny one of his uplifting speeches, but she quickly shuts him down. GIRL POWER! (Contributed by Jenni Bradley)
Most Badass Character: The Walking Dead
Carl Grimes
Round of applause for Carl Grimes, because this may be the first time that we’re actually happy he didn’t stay in the house. While everyone else – minus the women – are too afraid of Negan to fight back, Carl went into The Sanctuary with guns blazing…quite literally. Not only did he manage to kill two Saviors before he was tackled to the ground, but the kid had every intention of killing Negan. Even with Lucilla dangled in his face, he doesn’t hesitate to threaten Negan. To put it in Negan’s words, the kid’s got balls.
Biggest Jerk: Pitch
Blip keeps pressuring Evelyn to have more kids, but she’s determined to put her economics expertise to good use and open a restaurant (with or without Ginny’s brother). Blip also acted like a major jerk to Lawson after the Chicago deal fell through. (Contributed by Jenni Bradley)
Most Swoon-Worthy Scene: Timeless
Wyatt and Lucy
While going on the run with Bonnie and Clyde, our time-traveling duo of Wyatt and Lucy had to play up being a fierce but romantic crime team. While swapping stories of engagements Lucy floundered but Wyatt swooped in with a sweet story of their fictitious proposal moment, ending in a slightly awkward but satisfying kiss. Is this a sign of things to come? Time will tell. (Contributed by Shawn Cole)
Biggest OTP Moment: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Mack and Yo-yo
Ever since Yo-yo was introduced, there has been major sexual tension between her and Mack. Fans of the duo were finally rewarded when they talked about their feelings and kissed. Yomack ftw! Or is it Mackyo? (Contributed by Jenni Bradley)
Most Heartbreaking Moment: Teen Wolf
Stiles leaves a relic behind
In the most recent episode of Teen Wolf, it’s discovered that those taken by the Ghost Riders leave a relic behind. It’s the one thing that balances things out and proves that they did exist. Lydia is determined to find something of Stiles’. She goes to the Stilinksi household and comes up empty handed, and by the end of the episode it seems like she’s reached the conclusion that maybe he didn’t exist at all. Cue to Stiles’ jeep in the parking lot. His relic is there; they just don’t know it’s his.
Honorable Mention: Savitar kills Iris in the future (The Flash)
Best Buddy Moment: Pitch
Girl Squad
Ginny, Evelyn, and Amelia are walking and talking about Ginny’s future in baseball and the business relationship between Evelyn and Ginny’s brother. Three powerful women who all support each other! (Contributed by Jenni Bradley)
Best Plot-twist: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Agent May is an LMD
The fall finale ended with the fans seeing Aida has kept Agent May prisoner for some time, and the Agent May we’ve seen kicking butt is actually a Life Model Decoy, one that Aida made herself. (Contributed by Jenni Bradley)
Weirdest Moment: The Walking Dead
Negan makes Carl sing
Negan is not only terrifying; he’s just downright weird. As punishment for killing two of his men and coming into the Sanctuary unwelcomed, Negan first makes Carl remove his bandage (that is one nasty wound). Then, in a scene that is both terrifying and uncomfortable to watch, he makes Carl sing while he swings Lucille. It was just weird.
Most Suspenseful: Once Upon a Time
Morpheus Appears
So I may have known that Morpheus (or rather Gideon) was under the hood and was the one going to kill Emma. However, when he appeared in Storybrooke, my heart started to race. I heard it was going to be him from people on set, so I wasn’t 100% certain of the reveal. As he walked into Rumple’s shop, he casually took off his hood and said hello to his mother and father as if he didn’t age over 20 years in a couple of hours. Which means this was the big reveal of 6A. We now know that this crazy dude is out to get Emma. (Contributed by Madeline Klepec)
That’s it for this week! Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments and let us know if we missed anything or if there are any categories you would like us to add! We will see you next week with more Talk Nerdy With Us Weekly TV Superlative Awards!