Sarah’s Top Five Lucy and Wyatt Moments

Well…who says romance is dead? (I’m sorry I couldn’t resist) After the events of last night’s hour, all I can think is FINALLY!!!!!
Lucy & Wyatt had their wildest adventure yet, pretending to be a pair of outlaws to get in with Bonnie and Clyde, and steal a Rittenhouse key. Undercover they were forced into close (and awkward) quarters and had a conversation about fate and love that left me on the edge of the seat for these two.
After everything they’ve been through and in honor of the love we saw in the past (Barrow gang notwithstanding) here are my top five Lucy & Wyatt moments of Timeless! (So far).
- Lyatt didn’t begin in the pilot, but in the second episode, during their trip to meet Abe Lincoln. Lucy comes back shaken from watching Lincoln get shot (and who wouldn’t be). Experiencing history is an entirely different thing from reading about it. Despite her belief in leaving history as is, she tried anyways, and Wyatt reaches out and holds her hand. So she knows she’s not alone and at that moment I saw the spark form.
- Pretending to be a spy might have been a dangerous mission for Lucy, but it was far more thrilling to see Wyatt try to act like he didn’t care at all that Ian Fleming was openly flirting with Lucy. Did I mention he’s the author of the James Bond books? Sean Maguire knows how to play smooth and I couldn’t help but squeal and crack up when Lucy politely turns him down right in front of Wyatt. (Mostly at the smile on Wyatt’s face).
- Traipsing through the Alamo led to Wyatt relieving one of the most difficult parts of his past. Eventually when they had a chance to get out he believed he deserved to stay behind and not leave these guys to their fate even if he knew how it went. Lucy’s earnest plea that she is the one he trusts (“I need you”), no matter what anyone else thinks of him was a beautiful moment.
- After barely making it home in “Stranded” our trio is celebrating with a drink. Lucy, my favorite history genius, is understandably worried about her journal helping Flynn accomplish his deadly goals. Believing in fate can be a heavy burden when you also assume it can’t be changed. Wyatt, displaying how much faith he has in her, makes it clear whether it’s the simple action of sipping your drink or not writing a journal she always has a choice. She has the power to rewrite her own history, cue my internal screaming at the expressions on their faces.
- Last but certainly not least (the UNDERCOVER KISS FOR THE WIN!!)…I’d explain it, but I think these gifs will say it better.
How about you Timeless fans? What are your top Lucy/Wyatt moments so far?
Timeless airs 10/9c on NBC.