TNWU Weekly Superlatives (October 30th-November 5th)

Whether it was the World Series or your can’t-miss-show, everyone seemed to have their eyes glued to the TV this week. The Cubs took home their trophy, and now its time to see which shows get to take home theirs!
Biggest Jerk: Project Runway
Dexter and Erin
I like Dexter and Erin, but this week they mean-girled up on Cornelius and threw him in front of the bus. When #TeamRed ended up on the bottom, instead of taking the high road like many designers do, they both said Cornelius should go home just because they liked each other better. Bravo to Tim Gunn for using his save from this burn-book behavior. (Contributed by Shawn Cole)
Best Kiss: How to get Away With Murder
Connor and Oliver
Their breakup still troubles me because I just don’t get it in any way, shape or form. After Oliver admits that he has missed Connor, despite the break-up being his idea, they hit Michaela’s comforter with all that hotness that we’ve been missing! (Contributed by Shawn Cole)
Honorable Mention: Josh and Liza (Younger)
Best Dressed: The Mindy Project
Mindy Lahiri
It doesn’t matter what week it is, the people dressing Mindy slay all the time. This week my favorite was the peach ensemble aptly called a birthday cupcake by special guest Jack Davenport. That pillbox hat and complimentary fur coat-spectacular!! (Contributed by Shawn Cole)
Most Heartbreaking Moment: Frequency
Frank Sullivan
After a rough week fighting crime with his other-timely daughter Raimy, Frank is confronted by his estranged wife, Julie about their future. In so many words she lays it out that she will always love him, but it is over between them. Seeing the tears stream down his tough-guy face was more than I could handle. (Contributed by Shawn Cole)
Most Heartwarming Moment: Once Upon a Time
Hook and Henry
Henry and Hook have had quite the relationship throughout the series. Henry was none too happy when Emma and Hook started dating. Then they moved in, and Henry just couldn’t take it anymore. Despite his anger towards Hook, I found it moving when Hook chose to confide in Henry about his past. He bared his soul to the boy, and Henry ended up warming up to Hook. It was a sweet moment, especially now that Hook is a big part of Henry’s (and Emma’s) life. (Contributed by Madeline Klepec)
Funniest Scene: The Walking Dead
“I don’t know what the hell’s going on in the most wonderful way.” – Carol
The Walking Dead isn’t exactly known for its humorous moments, but when Carol is introduced to King Ezekiel and his tiger Shiva, there was a bit of comedic relief. I’m pretty sure Carol said exactly what was on every fan’s mind and reacted exactly how we all reacted to the bizarre scene unfolding.
Best plot twist: notorious
Sarah’s own brother killed her
We waited and waited to find out who Sarah’s killer was, and it turned out to be her own brother, Alan. She was tired of paying his gambling debts and afraid of him threatening her daughter’s adoptive family. To make it even more twisted, turns out dear old husband Oscar was in on it, because she was going to leave him. Luckily both scumbags got just desserts! (Contributed by Arlene Allen)
Cutest Moment: This is Us
Jack and little Randall Pearson
After explaining to young Randall that it’s ok, even encouraged, to be different because of his intelligence, the Pearsons decide to send Randall to a private school where ties and suit jackets are the uniforms. For his first day at his new school, Jack helps his son with that adorable little boy tie and together they cinch up their Windsor knots in the mirror, ready to take on the world.
Most Shocking: American Horror Story
The Polk Family slowly cannibalizing Lee
I can stomach a whole lot of horror, but the Polk family filleting strips of flesh slowly off of Lee, a bit at a time, had me ducking under blankets. Worse, seeing those flesh strips get pickled. American Horror Story has really upped the ante on gruesome this season. (Contributed by Arlene Allen)
Most Suspenseful: Salem
Season 3 premiere
Salem has always been a wild show. They’re constantly pushing boundaries and their characters even when you think they can’t go any farther. The premiere of season three kept the suspense high even in the calmer moments like when John and Isaac were walking along the boardwalk of Knocker’s Hole. There was nothing particularly terrifying about the scene but you still wanted the characters to look over their shoulders. You can feel how high the stakes are this season through the episode; it was incredible. (Contributed by Danielle Mathias)
MOST Terrifying Scene: Channel Zero
Jessica’s death at the hands of Children
Jessica, the sheriff’s wife, and Mike’s first crush is brutally attacked by four children wearing masks from the psycho TV show Candle Cove. After falling face first, into a kiddie pool, the masked children stab Jessica over and over again, relentlessly. Truly terrifying to watch. (Contributed by Arlene Allen)
That’s it for this week! Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments and let us know if we missed anything or if there are any categories you would like us to add! We will see you next week with more Talk Nerdy With Us Weekly TV Superlative Awards!