Sarah’s Top Five Bravest People in History


Timeless fans, would saying “Giddyup” be a little too cliché? Yeah I thought so, but last night’s visit to the Alamo, was a fantastic ride for our favorite characters, and Matt Lanter got to bring out his best work yet with the focus on Wyatt Logan. His bravery reminded me that our history is often made up of people who as Lucy said herself are “recklessly brave” but by putting others before themselves demonstrate some of the greatest things humanity is capable of.

To honor that I have compiled my top five bravest people in History (and yes it was hard to narrow down) without further ado in honor of our brave trio, but most especially Master Sergeant Wyatt Logan.

  1. Miep Gies– I’ve read an entire autobiography on this amazing lady, and it blew me away that in risking her life (along with her husband and friends) to keep the Frank and Van Pels family safe she insisted she was not brave, but in fact only upheld what she thought was right for someone to do when faced with that kind of choice.
  2. Martin Luther King Jr.– one of the most inspirational figures of the Civil Rights Movement, King never gave up on trying to work for equality in the era of segregation. His determinedly peaceful demonstrations (including his most famous “I have a Dream” speech) played a significant part in the political change that would end legal segregation.
  3. Harriet Tubman– This lady was the first person I every wrote about as a child, and since then her story has never failed to awe me. She organized the Underground Railroad and became its “conductor” to lead hundreds of slaves to freedom in the North and Canada.
  4. Irena Sendler– WWII has its mark on history in the number of atrocities committed during its five-year reign, but it also gave way for bravery of the highest kind. Irena was a Polish social worker, who became credentialed as a nurse so she could sneak food and medicine into the ghetto all of her fellow Polish Jews were rounded up in. Eventually, she escalated to sneaking out what is estimated to be 2,500 children to safety to other people she trusted who worked against the Nazis. Even though she was caught and tortured, when the war ended she dedicated her time to reuniting children with their families, no matter how impossible it seemed.
  5. Officers & Crew of the Titanic– I realize I’m cheating a little with this one, but one my favorite historical subjects is the Titanic. The accounts I’ve read (more than once) never fail to amaze me how the crew never once faltered in their duties to keep the ship running and get the passengers off it long after it became evident it was sinking into the Atlantic.

What are your favorite historical figures Timeless fans? Did you enjoy last night’s trip to the Alamo! (Trust me I did…“I need you!” I’m a shipper what can I say?)


Timeless airs at 10/9c on NBC

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