TNWU Weekly Superlatives (October 16th-22nd)

Politics, we just can’t seem to escape them. In a week full of badass ladies, lovable men, and humorous secret hiding, politics managed to weasel its way into this week’s Weekly Superlatives.
Best One-Liner: Scream Queens
“She’s like the Chelsea Clinton from a parallel universe if Hitler won the 2nd world war!” – Chanel Oberlin
While accusing Chanel No. 5 of trying to kill her, Chanel Oberlin’s explains why she wanted to be Ivanka Trump for Halloween and why she is an inspiration to us all. (Contributed by Shawn Cole)
Most Badass Character: Blindspot
In this week’s episode of Blindspot, Jane Doe takes out four armed guards single-handedly all while keeping her hair and designer suit spotless! (Contributed by AJ Mullican)
Most Lovable Character: Frequency
I think Raimy says she is sorry to Gordo at least once in every episode we’ve seen so far. Like a good BFF, he comes back with offers of help and beer. If he isn’t the most lovable, he’s definitely the guy everyone wants to have in their corner (and drink beer with). (Contributed by Shawn Cole)
Biggest Jerk: Final Presidential Debate
Donald Trump
Near the end of this week’s final presidential debate, Donald Trump uncharacteristically interrupted Hillary Clinton answering a question about something important. He mumbled into his microphone “you are a nasty woman” setting off a firestorm of Janet Jackson references and generating millions of memes. Nasty Women Vote. (Contributed by Shawn Cole)
Most Heartwarming Moment: This is Us
Jack and Kate
After young Kate gets a mean girl letter from the bullies at the pool, daddy Jack sits down with her to explain how magical his favorite ugly T-shirt is with a story of bravery during one of his trips to Daytona Beach. (Say it, Daddy, I will never go to Daytona Beach). Once she puts on the T-shirt, she can become anyone she wants. She chooses a Princess – which is of course how he already sees her. (Contributed by Shawn Cole)
Funniest Scene: Once Upon a Time
Emma and Charming
Charming acted very papa bear-y on last Sunday’s episode when he found out Hook is moving in with Emma. He even made a month’s worth of breakfast for his daughter, claiming Hook moving in would change everything. Later, he disclosed to Emma that the secret ingredient was nutmeg and she could make pancakes for Hook. It was adorably funny because Charming kept bringing it up to Emma, but as he stated, he once hated the pirate but is happy if Emma is. Aww. (Contributed by Madeline Klepec)
Best Buddy Moment: New Girl
Winston and Nick
After discovering that Schmidt and CeCe’s new house may have been a shooting location for one of their favorite porn flicks, Winston and Nick decide to bury the secret in their “secret vault.” The vault can only hold so many secrets, so this is a big decision as they have to decide which secret to let out. (Contributed by Shawn Cole)
Cutest Moment: NCIS: LA
Kensi squeezes Hetty’s hand
While visiting Kensi in the hospital, Hetty orders her to squeeze her hand. Still, in a coma, Kensi manages to follow orders and squeeze’s Hetty’s hand not once, but twice!
That’s it for this week! Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments and let us know if we missed anything or if there are any categories you would like us to add! We will see you next week with more Talk Nerdy With Us Weekly TV Superlative Awards!