“Liv And Maddie: Cali Style” Sings It Louder for Final Season

If you, or someone you know, is an avid watcher of The Disney Channel, then you have probably seen or heard that Disney Channel has replaced the program Liv and Maddie, starring Dove Cameron, with Liv and Maddie: Cali Style. To the average viewer, this name and location change may not be significant enough to spark interest, but the revamp of a Disney show in its fourth season marks the transitional period of the show returning to its roots while facing new obstacles (i.e. Hannah Montana Forever). Liv and Maddie has seen massive success and catapulted Dove Cameron’s career, so it only made sense for the show to end by circling back to where it all began.
The Rooney family, minus the father, all moved to Los Angeles because their house got destroyed in the season three finale. Originally, the season three finale is thought to be the very last episode of the popular Disney show, so the writers had to quickly tie up all the loose ends because they did not know if there would be a fourth season of the show but there was! The most noticeable change in Liv and Maddie: Cali Style is that the Rooney family now lives in California instead of Wisconsin because of their house literally falling down. Secondly, with a scene change comes a new cast of characters including cousin Ruby, (Lauren Lindsey Donzis), Aunt Dena (Jolie Jenkins), and Val (Chloe East).
The new characters give viewers a glimpse of what Liv’s life was like back when she was filming her television show Sing it Loud!, and with so many references to the television show that started Liv’s career, and the premise of the Disney show, it only makes sense that Liv reprises the role of Stephanie Einstein. Thus far in the season, the focus is on Liv and her career while viewers only know Maddie is at USC on a basketball scholarship, which further parallels the first season since the twins are doing their own things in a new setting while discovering themselves and their individual identities as young adults.
The last season of Liv and Maddie airs Fridays at 8/7c on Disney Channel
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I never did acting before I did once but it was my choice to stop acting .