Can you tell our readers a little bit about yourself?
I’m Louis Mattrs. I sing, write, and produce. I’m from Brighton in the UK. That’s all I can think of right now. (laughs)
What is it about music and singing that you love?
Tricky question… I love the whole creating side of things. It is good to put down your thoughts and express what you’re feeling or what you’re going through. Some people say it’s a bit of therapy, but I wouldn’t go that far.
I just love the whole creative process of everything really. It’s nice. Once you’ve created something, to get it down and record it. It’s an excellent feeling, I guess.
In your new song “Bow Down” you say “I bow down when I think about you.” What does that mean to you?
Well, the whole song is sort of about being in awe of a female and who this person is about. It’s almost like he didn’t expect it to happen and he didn’t want it to happen but it ended up happening, and you’re just sort of besotted with this female. That’s what it’s about.
What was the inspiration for the “Bow Down” video?
I just wanted to be real with it. We had conversations about doing other things, but it wasn’t quite me, and we thought “Why don’t you just do what you would normally do on a day to day basis and let’s just film it.” So that’s how it came about.
I’m from Brighton, which is by the sea, which is heavily shown in the video. It’s just about me running around being an idiot like I would do every day. (laughs)
It looked really cool. It was very stripped down from your other videos.
Yeah, the first video we did of mine was very emotional and almost like a short film. It was done by an amazing director, Josh Cole.
My music sort of progressed from that sort of time in my life. It’s a bit more light-hearted now, so I thought it would go quite nicely with this new video.
Do you do anything specific to get inspiration for writing a song?
Not really. I just try to write about what’s going on in my life, and I try to get out a bit more and do things that I would do if I didn’t have a job to do (laughs) and get inspiration from that. It’s a great excuse to go out and at night. I glamorize the songs just to make it a little bit more interesting. So that’s how I get my inspiration.
You grew up in Brighton, UK. Do you think this influences your songwriting?
Yeah, I mean it must because you sort of write about what your surroundings are and what you’ve been through. If I grew up anywhere else I would probably be a bit different, I guess, but yeah it definitely influenced my music and what I write about. I try to keep it as real as possible.
You have already done a few collaborations with other artists. Is there someone you would like to collaborate with in the future?
That’s also a tricky question. There’re quite a few people. There’s this new girl that I found the other day literally, and I think she’s called H.E.R. I believe she’s from New York and she’s an amazing R&B singer. I would love to work with her.
This is a bit of a random one. I’d actually like to work with Jaden Smith. He’s been putting out some sick new stuff at the moment, and I really like what he’s about. So I’d love to work with Jaden.
Can your fans expect a new album from you on store shelves soon?
Oh yes well, the plan is for it to be out early next year. It’s in the mixing stage at the moment. Which is quite a bit of a lengthy process. I’m so specific and really annoying about how things sound. So yeah it’s going to take ages, but the plan is for it to be out February/March sort of time next year.
We at TNWU all have something nerdy/geeky about us. What’s something nerdy or geeky about you?
I love Harry Potter! Is that nerdy? (laughs) I think that’s nerdy, but I absolutely love Harry Potter. I’ve watched every film and pretty much know every word to every film. So yeah that’s pretty nerdy I’d say. (laughs)
Where can you find Louis Mattrs: