Exclusive Interview with Just Add Magic’s Olivia Sanabia, Aubrey K. Miller & Abby Donnelly

Just Add Magic is an Amazon Original family TV show that premiered in January 2015. The show follows three young best friends, Kelly (Olivia Sanabia), Hannah (Aubrey K. Miller) and Abby Donnelly (Darbie), and their magical adventures once they stumble upon Kelly’s grandma’s special cookbook in her attic when they’re trying to bake a cake for her birthday. They soon learn that her cookbook is anything but ordinary, containing magical recipes that the girls can’t stay away from.
In celebration of Just Add Magic’s Halloween episode, premiering today, October 14th, we got to interview the protagonists and young (almost) witches.
First of all, what can we expect from the Halloween episode? Are things going to get spooky around these three BFFs?
Aubrey: The Just Add Magic Halloween special is being released to get everyone excited forHalloween and season 2! This episode picks up the day after the Pluot Festival (Season 1 finale) and shows the girls on the hunt to find a magical spice that only grows on Halloween! Stay tuned! Get ready to enter a spooktacular haunted house in this episode. It was a blast to film in!
The Halloween episode serves as the first episode of the second season. Any secrets about [season 2] that you can let us in on?
Aubrey: I can’t spoil too much, but you will find out a lot of old history about the cookbook and watch as our friendship grows and is tested. You’ll also enjoy the magic of new recipes that come along with the mysteries of season 2!
Kelly, Hannah, and Darbie are talented bakers – and we heard you like baking, too. If you could bake one magical cake from grandma’s cookbook, what would you choose? (To be honest, learning a new language overnight would be pretty cool.)
Aubrey: In season 1, I would love to use the Healing Hazelnut Tart to help cure so many problems! In season 2, my newest favorite spell is revealed! It would be a blast to have the chance to use this magical recipe in real life! Watch episode 4 to find out what it is!
The show is very family-oriented and focuses mainly on Kelly’s relationship with her grandma, as well as young friendships. Do you ever bake for your family or friends? If so, what do you bake?
Olivia: Yes, I love to bake for my friends and family. My favorite things to make are cake pops because they have the same delicious taste as a slice of cake, but they are in a cuter and smaller package. You can also decorate them for any occasion!
Playing best friends on the show becomes easier when you’re also close in real life, just like you. Spill the beans! Who’s the most mischievous or biggest prankster of you all on set?
Abby: We don’t really prank each other. We have a habit of making each other laugh on screen and offscreen a lot!
You’ve all said in the past that you were very similar to your characters, but what makes you different from them?
Olivia: I am different from Kelly because she worries more than I do. To be fair, Kelly has a reason to worry with all the craziness of the magic in her life!
I was a huge fan of the TV show Charmed (1998) back when I was younger, so when I started watching Just Add Magic, I immediately knew I was in for a treat. It’s a shame it wasn’t around when I was little, or I would’ve been hooked from the start. Magic and cakes? I’m sold, as many other people were when the show premiered. Were you (the cast and crew) expecting the success it had from the very beginning?
Olivia: The show was based on Cindy Callaghan’s book. We were so honored to be able to bring her awesome book to life. We were all so passionate about the project and couldn’t wait to show it to everyone. When we got the response we did, we were so grateful. It was humbling to see that people enjoyed a project that so many people worked hard to create. I am so blessed to be a part of it. 🙂
Whatever your characters decide to become in the future, they’ll know they’ve shared something incredible with their best friends, and that’s a bond no one can break. Where do you see your characters’ lives going as young women?
Oliva: After a trip to Washington D.C., Kelly Quinn decides to go into politics. She magically becomes the youngest female president and ends world hunger and creates world peace!
Aubrey: After graduating top of her class, Hannah Parker-Kent develops a new app that is a worldwide phenomenon. It magically changes your phone case to match whatever you are wearing!
Abby: When Darbie O’Brien finishes art school, she magically gets her own talk show called The Darbie O Show. When Lin Manuel-Miranda guest stars on the show, they become fast friends. Darbie pitches an idea about three best friends who find a magic cookbook. Lin loves the idea and Jamilton the musical is born!
Finally, what books, movies, television shows, etc. bring out the nerd in you?
Abby: I geek out whenever I am watching Survivor, Lost, Gilmore Girls, Grey’s Anatomy, and anything to do with Hamilton the Musical!
Watch the Season 2 premiere here!