DC Universe Is Taking Over the CW

Heads up everyone! This week, Berlantiverse’s (yes, it’s a word now) superhero series are taking over the CW Network. All I have to say about that is what a time to be alive!
Last week we were treated to the season premieres of The Flash and Arrow. This week, the excitement continues. Legends of Tomorrow is back, and on top of that, we are finally welcoming another DC Comic developed series to the CW family–Supergirl!
Supergirl was formerly on the CBS network, but now, she has flown over to be on the CW.
Tomorrow, October 10th is the Season 2 premiere of Supergirl and Thursday, October 13th is the Season 2 premiere of Legends of Tomorrow. That means we have a whole week (excluding Friday) of DC goodness!
Monday- Supergirl at 8/7c
Tuesday- The Flash at 8/7c
Wednesday- Arrow at 8/7c
Thursday- Legends of Tomorrow at 8/7c
That’s not all. There will be an epic crossover between all four of the shows. DC TV is going at it strong, and it all starts tomorrow!
HOW FREAKING EXCITING IS THAT?! You don’t want to miss it, I know I won’t!
What DC show are YOU most excited about?