Book Review: “Little Moon” by Megan Padalecki

page_downanddownLittle Moon is Megan Padalecki’s second book, and it displays the same careful attention to illustrative and written detail that was displayed in her first effort, Big Mo.  The story follows the journey of a small squid (as big as your thumb!) as she travels through the depths of the ocean and navigates its myriad dangers before finding the perfect environment in which to shine.

The story is targeted at children aged 3 – 8 years old, but there are enough details in both the story and the drawings that Little Moon will capture the imagination of any older child (or adult) who is reading along.  Megan is a gifted artist, and her drawings are both whimsical and complex.  Her attention to detail allows the reader to feel immersed in the story while experiencing the same dangers and delights that Moon encounters during her travels.

The story gently explores several different themes as it progresses and included in the one-page appendix is additional information that can enhance the reading experience for older readers while assisting parents/siblings/babysitters in discussing the themes present in the book with younger readers.  Of course, the book is also just plain fun to read – no discussion required!

I love giving books as gifts, and Little Moon will be a great addition to anyone’s (everyone’s?) holiday shopping lists.

You can stay in touch with Moon, Megan and Big Mo on social media at:


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