BrainDead Episode 8: Another Day, Another Bug Person

There were two sex scenes in this episode. One was with humans. One was with bugs with human commentary that was surprisingly more disturbing than the bug sex itself. Just in case you thought this show had started taking itself seriously after last week’s episode.
This was actually a good episode that rebalanced the dramatic and comedic elements in the show. On the one hand, there was an emotionally heavy story with Laurel first learning that her father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, and then learning he was actually a bug person. On the other hand, this episode opened with its usual song, but in the form of a medicinal advert for space bugs.
Aside from Laurel investigating and taking on her father, there were two other major plotlines. One included Rochelle and Gustav capturing a suspected bug person (Rochelle hit him over the head with lamb leg). After getting him drunk they found out that the bugs are in fact from space, cause extremism so that humanity will be too busy fighting each other to fight the bugs, and are basically here because they were looking for a planet to exist on with some nice “cars” (humans).
The other plotline centered on Red’s attempts to start a war with Syria. He managed to get Ella on board by claiming that the Syrian government was testing their alleged CHI causing chemicals on zoo animals. Ella drew pictures of baby seals. Luke, realizing the claims were wildly untrue, rolled his eyes. I find that I relate to Luke a little more every episode.
Meanwhile, from the medication ad for space bugs, to Laurel’s dad’s claims that he’s better off with the space bugs because they stopped his Parkinson’s, this show is starting to hint at a moral quandary. Are the space bugs that bad? Or could they actually be helpful? I’m still inclined to think that they’re pretty bad, given that they’re warmongering parasites that effectively kill people. Then again, you could use the same phrase to describe parts of humanity.
Overall this show has come together really well. Every episode now has moments where I’m rolling on the floor laughing, and moments where I’m nervously awaiting the fates of my favorite characters.
The camera work on the show is also excellent, and adds to the quirky nature of the show. When two characters talk, the camera will often be centered on one of them and then switch to be centered on the other, unlike the usual technique of shooting at an angle so both characters are visible. This makes it feel like the audience actually is the character, and builds on the theme of possession. The show also uses wide shots indoors and angles upwards when certain characters speak. These shots give the audience the space bug’s perspective.
For a TV show with a concept as ridiculous as this, it is pretty well thought out and constructed. There’s brilliant and hilarious dialogue every episode, and fantastic acting. I can’t wait to watch the season’s penultimate episode next week.