WCW Tatiana Maslany



Ok, so she hasn’t won an Emmy YET, but Tatiana Maslany was finally, **FINALLY**, nominated for one for her work on Orphan Black. It only took four seasons for the board to realize, “hey, this lady plays 10+ characters so flawlessly, maybe she should be nominated??” It’s about damn TIME.

While everyone knows her from Orphan Black, Tatiana has been acting since 2000, including a couple of guest episodes on Parks and Recreation as Tom Haverford’s love interest. I kinda wanted her to stay on in that role, but then she wouldn’t have gone on to play Beth/Sarah/Cosima/etc.

Back to the Emmy’s, she’d better win or there’s no justice in the world. Tune in September 18th to see if she wins (if not we riot!).

And as always, don’t forget to follow Tatiana on Twitter!

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