First Panel Line-Up for Unity Days Announced


After much anticipation, the first panel for Unity Days has been announced. Called “The 100 Meta Panel”, it will take place on January 13, 2017, and feature Jo Garfein from The Dropship, Claire Willett and Erin Drew from Meta Station, Brittany Rae and Robyn Jeffrey from The Giantist’s TV Crush, and Samantha Coley from Tell-Tale TV. Over the course of this panel, the participants will discuss the show’s politics, morality, social themes, ongoing arcs for characters and more. It is surely a must-see for any avid fan of The 100. Stay tuned for more details and more unique panel arrangements!

Tickets and announcements

The Dropship: The 100 Podcast

Meta Station: The 100 Podcast

The Giantist’s TV Crush: The 100

Tell-Tale TV:

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