Exclusive! TNWU Talks with Madeleine McGraw About “Outcast” and Growing Up in Showbiz

At just seven years old, Madeleine McGraw has already made quite a name for herself, and is considered to be one of the most-watched young stars on the rise in the entertainment industry today. Currently, Madeleine can be seen on the Cinemax drama “Outcast.” The series is from Robert Kirkman, creator of “The Walking Dead,” “Outcast” follows Kyle Barnes (Patrick Fugit), a young man who has been plagued by possession since he was a child. Now an adult, he embarks on a journey to find answers, but what he uncovers would mean the end of life on earth as we know it.
Madeleine plays Amber, a scene-stealer as Kyle’s daughter, and her performance is garnering rave reviews from critics. “Outcast” has already been renewed for a second season ahead of its season one premiere.
Originally from San Jose California, Madeline started acting and modeling at the age of four, landing several high fashion print ads. Just before her fifth birthday, Madeleine was cast in a SAG feature film short, “Hide and Seek” Soon after, she booked a guest star role on the Fox show “Bones” (2014) and another on the short-lived ABC show “Selfie “(2014). 2014 ended up being a banner year for the young star on the rise as she also made her feature film debut as McKenna, Bradley Cooper’s daughter in the Academy Award winning film “American Sniper,” directed by Clint Eastwood.
Madeleine has also lent her voice to several animated projects and currently recurs as Rita on the animated series “Clarence” on Cartoon Network. On the modeling front, Madeleine has worked with Guess, H&M, Abercrombie Kids, Pottery Barn Kids, Coperrone, AARP, USAA, Pedigree, Under Armour, Minnetonka, Hasbro, Ralph Lauren and many others.
When she is not acting, Madeleine enjoys playing soccer and hanging out with her siblings. She has a twin brother, Aiden, and other siblings Jack and Violet, all of whom work in acting and modeling.
What’s it like growing up in a showbiz family?
So far it’s really fun!! We get super excited just for the opportunities. We also get really excited for each other when one of us books something. We always try to help each other out with learning lines and stuff. What’s really fun about being in showbiz, is the really cool friends you make. It’s so fun to watch TV or see a movie and see friends that you’ve either worked with or auditioned with. It makes me really happy when my friends book roles. Even if we were both auditioning for the same job.
Tell us a bit about your character, Amber, on Outcast? Do you like being in a horror show?
Amber loves her dad so much. She is pretty angry with her mom and blames her for her dad leaving. Amber is really confused about her family and her surroundings. She just wants to go back to having a normal kid life. (laughs). I LOVE being in a horror show even though I am too scared to watch. I love seeing how they do all the makeup and cool stunts.
What has been your favorite role so far, and why?
I definitely have to say playing Amber is my favorite. It’s the first time I have ever been a character for this long. I kinda feel like I know Amber and she’s my friend. Sometimes when I get scared of the dark or something, I say to myself, would Amber be scared of the dark? I also love everyone I get to work with on Outcast so much, so that definitely puts Amber on the top of my favorites list.
Do you go to school or are you schooled on set?
I do both. When I am not working I go to regular school. When I am working, I have a set teacher.
What are your favorite TV shows and movies? If you could play a part in any one of them, who would you play?
I totally love all the Star Wars movies. Especially Star Wars: The Force Awakens. During filming for Outcast season one, Patrick (Fugit) and I would watch the trailer for The Force Awakens and made a deal to see it together when it came out. (laughs). We will probably do the same thing with Rogue One.
How is voice acting different from in person acting? Do you ever have trouble keeping the characters’ voices separate?
I love doing voice overs. It’s super fun. Especially when you finally get to see the character on-screen and it’s your voice coming out. I have a recurring role on Clarence for Cartoon Network. I play Rita. When I first heard myself as Rita I was so excited. I thought it was the coolest thing. I have a couple of animated features I’ve gotten to lend my voice to that come out in the next few years (which I can’t talk about) but oh my goodness am I excited for those. I am beyond grateful for all of those opportunities. I haven’t really had to totally change my voice much for the characters I have played. So that makes it easy.
Do you get to see the entire episode of the shows you are in, or the entire movie?
If it’s kid friendly I do. (laughs). But mostly my mom and dad just show me the parts I’m in and that’s it.
Do you have a social media presence? What do you think of Twitter, Facebook, and the other social media outlets?
I have a Twitter (@maddygmcgraw), Instagram (OfficialMadeleineMcGraw) and just started a Facebook page. I think social media is cool!! But honestly, I am never allowed to be on any of it without my mom being right there. I love seeing what all my friends are up to and it’s super fun to keep in touch with friends I don’t get to see all the time. Right now I am completely obsessed with Instagram makeup artists. I could watch them for hours. Especially Nikkitutorials. She looks at the snapchat filters (I love the snapchat filters btw) and then recreates them with makeup. It’s seriously the coolest thing!!! I totally want to be a hair and makeup artist when I grow up.
What are some of your upcoming projects?
Outcast films from July until December, so that pretty much takes up all my time. I had booked a really cool movie but ultimately couldn’t do it because of my current work schedule. I have a couple Animated features I’m working on (those won’t be out for a long time) and some print campaigns and commercials that should be out soon.
Our site is called Talk Nerdy With Us…do you have any nerdy hobbies? Will you be playing Pokemon GO with the rest of the world this weekend?
I love wearing fake glasses. Is that nerdy? (laughs). I just think it’s fun. And yes, I have been playing Pokemon Go!! It’s so fun! I had a fitting at a hotel the other day and when I was done, I ran around the hotel looking for Pokemon!! (laughs).