Razor Edge Games: Phoenix Comicon Exclusive with CEO Mike Weiser

Phoenix-based Razor Edge Games is bursting into Phoenix Comicon 2016 with the release of new info, exclusive in-game content, and more on their newest game, Epocylipse the AfterFall! I spoke with Razor Edge Games CEO Mike Weiser about Razor Edge Games, Epocylipse the AfterFall, and the future of the game.
How did Razor Edge Games get started?
“This is a passion of mine. I was in the industry back in the 90s and I rejoined the industry with Razor Edge Games, forming it in 2014.”
Where did your developers learn to code? Where did you find your developers?
“We have people on our team from over 32 countries right now. There are over 207 people as of today, so my coders come from all over the United States and the world.”
What’s the newest to expect from Razor Edge Games?
“Epocylipse the AfterFall. It’s in production right now; we’re looking at pre-offer here in the next few months.”
How did Epocylipse the AfterFall come to be? Where did the story inspiration come from?
“It’s been twelve years in the making. I actually started penning the story and rules twelve years ago. We built it out as a table top RPG, tested it for sixteen months with players, and now we’re porting it over to the PC.”
What kind of content can we expect?
“Massive open world. It’s a multiplayer game—not massively multiplayer, but it is multiplayer—large, 240-hours worth of game play, skill based…do it like you would do in the apocalypse.”
Is there anything special for Phoenix Comicon readers of Talk Nerdy With Us?
“Absolutely. At the Comicon we actually have a special code [that you can pick up at our booth in room 211B]. If you register on our forums it will allow you to get an exclusive outfit for in-game characters as well as a closed beta key, and for your readers you also have a special code.”
That’s right, dear readers, with the code MCE022 you can get in-game content exclusive to Talk Nerdy With Us! Just go to the forums on razoredgegames.com! And what are your plans for Epocylipse for the future?
“This is the kind of game that’s going to be around for a while. As with many apocalyptic games you can add a lot to them, so we’re going to keep adding based on what the people—the players—want to see. We’re a team of players looking for players to give us their ideas for what they’d like to see in a post-apocalyptic game. So it’ll be around a while.”
Do you have any worries that the spelling of Epocylipse might cause any problems in terms of search engines and whatnot?
“No, we’re doing really good, and for those that are Mad Max fans they may recognize Epocylipse as a word that was used in one of the Mad Max movies.”
And when and where can we expect to find Epocylipse the AfterFall?
“We’re looking to release on Steam in pre-alpha sometime in the next few months. Also, many other online sources we’re investigating as well. More information obviously can be found on our website, razoredgegames.com”
And what’s next after the Epocylipse?
“I can’t tell you that! (laughs).”
Aww, so we gotta keep on looking!
“That’s right. We’re working on making several big projects. Epocylipse is an AAA-style quality game. Not a mobile game; it’s a big game. And we got a lot of others to follow.”
Well thanks for talking with us, and we’ll see you after the fall!
“Thank you!”