It’s that time of year again: Phoenix Comicon!
Beginning today at 12:00pm, programming for Phoenix Comicon 2016 will commence, with tons of activities for young and old alike. Enjoy cosplay? They’ve got panels for that. Want to buy some lightsabers or comic books or art? They’ve got an exhibitor’s hall for that. Want to meet some awesome celebs in film, voice acting, book, and comic book industries? They’ve got guests for that!
Phoenix Comicon is touted as “the signature pop-culture event of the southwest,” and it certainly is so. With over 70,000 attendees the past two years, Phoenix Comicon is growing in leaps and bounds. There’s even an offshoot con, Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest, that happens in the fall. Phoenix Comicon is so big it needed to give birth to a baby con that’s growing up into its own full-fledged con!
Beware though, congoers, as the weather in Phoenix this year will be almost as hot as Alderaan was on its last day! Temperatures are predicted to reach over 110 degrees all weekend, so make sure to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
See y’all at the con!