MCM John Barrowman

John Barrowman was born in Scotland but grew up here in the U.S. in the great state of Illinois. It’s hard to pin down what might be John’s most “well-known” role, since he has so many.
For Whovians, he is best known as Capt. Jack Harkness, a rogue time agent who spent some time with the Ninth and Tenth Doctors on Doctor Who before branching off and fighting local aliens in Torchwood.
For DC fans, he is known as Malcolm Merlyn on Arrow. And yes, he plays a bad guy *very* well.
John is also well-known on the convention circuit. Recently he did a panel at Denver Comic Con in a Castiel dress. Yes, a dress. And yes, the man can pull it off. I mean, have you SEEN those legs?? The man has better gams than I could ever hope to have.
I highly suggest following John on Twitter. He’s amusing and very passionate about his husband.