Exclusive Interview with The Amazing World of Gumball’s Terrell Ransom Jr.

As the second highest-rated cartoon on the network, The Amazing World of Gumball has found its way to the hearts of all those who watch it. The show has been praised for its “first-rate silliness” and “really clever spin on domestic chaos” by Variety. As Darwin, the talking goldfish who is also the brother of a cat named Gumball, Terrell Ransom Jr. is a key part of that silliness.
Terrell took the time to answer some of our questions about the show, and what he’s taken away from his experiences!
How are you similar, or different, to Darwin?
My character Darwin and I are alike in a lot of ways. He’s really smart, lovable and caring. Darwin seems to be mature for his age. A lot of people say that about me too. He’s the voice of reason for his older brother Gumball, who always seems to come up with crazy ideas that Darwin questions but ends up going along with. (laughs). I’m definitely like that with some of my friends! I think one of the biggest differences is that I don’t have any siblings and I’m not an adopted fish with legs.
A ton of different age groups watch the show, what makes The Amazing World of Gumball so lovable for so many ages?
There is something in the show for everybody. The animation is really great! I love how they have donuts for cops! It’s so colorful, fun, and different from most animated shows because some aspects are real and others are animated. It’s seriously hilarious. Somebody will find something funny in every episode. Some people can probably relate to the Watterson’s too.
What made you want to get involved with The Jonathan Foundation?
My mom and I were invited to the first Jonathan Foundation charity event by Jacob Hopkin’s mom. We learned so much about the organization. We loved what they were doing for so many people. The next year Jacob and I became Youth Ambassadors. We have attended the annual charity event for the past two years and we try to bring more awareness.
What have you personally learned or taken away from your work with the foundation?
I have become more aware of what The Jonathan Foundation has done and continues to do for so many families and their children. I learned that there are a lot of kids and teens with learning disabilities that are not getting treated fairly by teachers in school or receiving the type of education they really need. Sadly, some are also being bullied by teachers and kids because they are different or learn differently.
What kind of challenges do you face being able to only use your voice for the character? Is it harder than live-action projects?
None! (laughs). Voice acting is actually easier than acting in front of the camera. It’s a lot less work. Even though I’m only using my voice, I’m super animated in the booth. I might throw my hands in the air or make a funny face. I’m basically acting all the time while voicing that crazy, fun character Darwin!
Do you have a favorite episode so far?
I seriously have so many favorite episodes, I’m a die-hard TAWOG fan but, if I had to choose, The Origins part 1 and 2 would probably be my favorite episodes right now. I think everybody that watches the show has been wanting to know how Darwin ended up a Watterson and one of the biggest questions, why was he a fish with legs? Now we know. Also, I really loved singing “I’m On My Way” for the episode.
Darwin has already experienced a lot of growth and changes, what can we expect from him going forward?
The show gets better and better! I know that there will be a lot more funny moments and adventures with Darwin and his brother Gumball, so stay tuned!
As Darwin has grown, have you grown with him? Have situations on the show helped you in real life?
Darwin has become more responsible over the seasons and I feel like that’s something that has happened for me as well, the older I get. I think the biggest thing I have learned from TAWOG and Darwin is to be confident.
What would you say to people who haven’t seen the show to convince them to watch it?
That they are totally missing out on one of the best-animated cartoons out there. It’s hilarious, creative and teaches a lot of good lessons about life. I watched a lot of Season 1 and 2 before voicing Darwin with my granny who actually introduced me to the show. Now my mom and dad watch it all the time and not because I voice Darwin…it’s just a great show!
You do a song of the month blog, would you eventually like to pursue music or writing at all?
Absolutely! I own like four different guitars and a keyboard that I play regularly. I also love using programs to make beats. Of course, I sing and I have written a few songs of my own. I’m not sure how good they are, but I’m working on my singing and music all the time, so that I can become a professional artist one day soon.
*Featured image credit:
Photo: Birdie Thompson
Stylist: Terrell Ransom Sr.