Exclusive Interview with Musician Sammi Sanchez

After releasing two hit singles, you might think Sammi Sanchez would release a third like it was any other day. You would be wrong.

As Sammi gears up to release “Girls Talk” on May 6, the 18-year-old starlet is ready for the world to hear her new sound and get to know another side of her.

I had the opportunity to talk with Sammi about her upcoming single, how she got her start and what she hopes listeners can learn from her experiences. Even through the phone, the excitement in her voice was palpable.

How is “Girls Talk” different from your previous singles?

Girls Talk has a more “current” sound. It’s definitely something that is still, along with my other songs, it’s relatable. So I think it’s similar but it’s different. I think it’s a little bit more mature than my past music has been.

Aside from the very clear, and what I think is a very necessary message that girls talk to each other about stupid boys, what do you hope listeners take away from the single?

I just hope that they can take away that a negative situation can be turned into a positive. That’s what happened with my situation and why I wrote the song. This guy was talking to a bunch of us at the same time and it actually made me closer to my friends. It wasn’t such a negative situation in the end.

This is your third single. Between your first single and now, does it feel any different to you? Are you more excited?

I definitely think I’m more excited about this new music that’s coming out soon. I feel like it’s more me now and I’m allowed to be more creative. I think that’s what I’m most excited about – to just show my creative side a little bit more and something that’s a little bit different than before.

You were previously on tour with Megan Nicole, the Sweet Dreams Tour, how did that influence your writing or your performing? What did you learn from that experience?

learned a lot while being on tour with her, she’s amazing. She’s such a hustler, and gets things done, and that’s what I love about her. She also taught me a lot about touring and stuff. You know, that was my first real tour. So she was very supportive and she knew what was going down. 

It seems like you guys are pretty good friends!

Yeah, she’s amazing, I love her.

As more artists and more songs are coming out there’s a lot being brought to the table in music. What song or artist is inspiring you right now?

Ooh, there are so many. I feel like a bunch of artists are just coming out with jams. I’m obsessed with Drake’s new album that just dropped. I love that, he’s amazing, I always love me some Drake. (laughs). And then, who else. Tove Lo just came out with a song with Flume that I really like. And I love Tove Lo. Yeah, that’s kind of what I’m listening to right now. (laughs).

Right on. So I know that you co-wrote this song. You had a big hand in the writing process, what is the songwriting process like for you? How does it all come together?

I think the writing process for me is different every time. Usually, I’ll get a word that sticks out to me or a few words and then I’ll just write it down. It depends, if I’m working with a producer in the studio they’ll kind of start putting together some sounds and stuff like that. We’ll feed off each other and see what we like or not. And then sometimes a sound will trigger a word or a little phrase. So I think it depends, but I try and take from personal experiences or something that my friends have gone through. Even just making stuff up you know, anything really.

Speaking of specific phrases, I think my favorite line isyou’re just a drop in the idiot ocean.” It was just so sassy and creative, how did that one come to you?

(laughs). That was really funny actually. We were stuck on that line, I remember. And I think it was Sam and me, the producer, we were talking about it. And we were saying there are other fish in the sea and whatnot and then he was like “Wait. Idiot” and then I was like “Wait, idiot OCEAN” and then fish, and it just kind of came about. (laughs).

It was just kind of a spectacular moment. That’s awesome.

Yeah, it was actually a really funny moment. We were like, is that too mean to say but then we just kind of did it. (laughs)

But you know, it’s necessary, especially if the guy’s talking to three other girls.

It’s necessary! Exactly!

So I want to backtrack in your life a little bit, was there a specific moment, a pivotal moment where you thought to yourself “This is what I’m meant to be doing. I need to be a performer?”

Yeah! I think the first time I performed on stage was that moment for me. I remember doing a talent show and I was completely scared and had never sung in front of a big crowd of people. It was even terrifying for me to sing in front of family. So, my friends and my parents, they pushed me. They were like “go for it, just try it because they knew that I enjoyed singing but I was more of a closet singer. I remember I was probably about ten or so I think, and I got off stage and I fell in love with it. I remember telling my mom “I want to do this for the rest of my life, I want to do more.”

And now you’re doing more, you’re living the dream!

Exactly, yes! I can’t see myself doing anything else. (laughs). You should always love what you do.

I know you want your music to help people through experiences and hope they can connect. But how has music inspired YOU and helped you through growing up?

Music was kind of my escape, especially going through school. School was not the easiest for me. Socially and  academically as well. It’s just always been something that’s been hard for me, so I definitely think music was my escape, and still is for anything. It’s just kind of a place where I can leave reality for a bit and I love that. And it’s also like, if I related to a song it would make me feel a certain way, happy, or I could relate to being sad. Whatever it was, music was always there for me and I feel like that was something

Is there a specific song or artist that sticks out in your mind that really got you through a tough time, or even a great time in your life?

This is really funny but, my first kind of “heartbreak”, I listened to Drake nonstop. That was the feels. I remember just sitting in my room, two in the morning, sad and listening to Drake. But it was amazing.

I feel like that’s like a scene out of a Drake music video, just sitting and experiencing feelings.

Oh yeah, that was totally me. Late at night, sitting in my bed with my headphones on just vibing. (laughs).

So if you ever got the chance to collaborate with Drake, I assume you would take that up.

One hundred percent. He’s the number one person that I would want to work with.

Who else would you want to collaborate with?

I think Zayn would be cool to do a song with! I love his new music, I think he has a cool vibe right now and he’s very talented so I’d love to do a song with him one day.

What kind of influence do you hope to have on young girls, especially young latina girls, looking up to you?

I definitely want to give off that anything you put your mind to, you can do it. And I’m still in the early stages as well. Being an upcoming artist, you know it’s hard, kind of getting yourself out there and all that. Butalways believe that if you work hard enough, you can do something and get what you want. I just want to put that out there and hopefully, other people can see that.

That’s awesome! So finally, our site is called Talk Nerdy With Us so what is the nerdiest thing about you?

Nerdiest thing about me…I tend to nerd out on music, I think that’s my main thing. If I really like something I’ll nerd out on it and be obsessed with it and won’t stop talking about. Like right now I’m nerding out on Drake’s album, that’s all I’ve been talking about!


Sammi’s new single “Girls Talk” arrives May 6th, 2016.

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